Sunday, September 27, 2020

Co-coperative Socialism and Incomes

 Co-operative Socialism and Incomes

Our friend Lucy Bee asks about this.

I offered:

Lucy: the plan for Co-operative Socialism calls for a socially-determined level of income in/equality.

Accordingly, the Secon Chamber would make a pair of Annual Recommendations to the Elected First Chamber as to:

A) the £-amount of the guaranteed Living Income payment that should be made to every person normally-resident in that Country's jurisdiction, and,

B) the maximum amount in £-per-hour that should be paid to people who do paid work: it would be a matter, then, for each workplace to determine, as they see fit, the distribution of paid-work pay levels in their own workplace, based on that Socially-determined pay-for-work upper limit.

I hope this helps.

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