Sunday, December 26, 2021

But, if

 It is worth reflecting that, two years' ago in December 2019, the London Noo Labour MPs, coordinated no doubt by 'Lord' Peter Mandleson, so befuddled Jeremy Corbyn and John Mcdonnell that their Election Manifesto was, at least the secon 'Longest Suicide Note in History'.

Iin order to stand on a manifesto that said:

    'Yes we accept the Referendum Result.

And, as a result, we, as good democrats therefore offer a Second Referendum entitled 'You proles got it wrong The First Time, now get it right The Second Time'.'

Had those Quislings not so acted, the Covid Murders would not have taken place.

Or would they?

The other half of the Vichy Government in waiting, the #wokeMarxists would have demanded that a Corbyn/Mcdonnell 'Old Labour government app,y *the same* mechanisms that caused the Covid Murders: masks, PPE, ventitators, midazolam, lock-downs, more capitalism and . . . no socialism.

Oh, *And* a suspension 'pro-tem' of the Referendum Result.

While the EU *Rescued Us from capitalism's tyrrany* on bealf of Klaus Scwab, Common Purpose et al.


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The True Path?

 Before sleeping last night I started this list

Individual: do you give your whole self To Christ (ie to God's Purpose in Thie World).

Pairwise as adults: Husbands, do you love your wives? Wives, do you obey your husbands?

Families: are you a Grace To God? Contributing rather than being parasites?

Communities: to your produce Peace and Contributions to The Common Good?

Nations: do you live to create a Global Co-operative Commonweal and National, local and workplace Co-operative Socialist Commonwealths?

All: are you In Unity as part of The Unity of all, in All, for all?

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

URLs removed

 It seems we “conspiracy theorists” are in very eminent company … !!


Dr John Courtneidge

PhD Chemistry, UCL, 1981

Author or co-author of 49 peer-reviewed papers, referee, by anonymous recommendation, of research manuscripts submitted to Royal Society of Chmistry Primary Journals. Working-class boy educated free-at-the-point-of-learning by Community Grants. Quaker, Grandad and multiply-expelled political educator, proposer and activist. Unemployed from the age of forty-three to sixty-nine.

Now seventy-years' old.

I self-append, not out of hubris, to the above list.

There are many more of us!


Or alternatively we can listen to bought and paid for wicked and deadly bollocks from the collaborator Dr Hilary Jones 😊 (Bless)

Please take a few moments to consider this information.  Then try to rationalise it against the tidal-wave of propaganda that that we have all been subjected to for almost 2 years.  


Doctors who explain clearly why vaccines aren't safe or effective…  Here are just a few, but there are thousands:  


1. Dr. Nancy Banks -

2. Dr. Russell Blaylock -

3. Dr. Shiv Chopra -

4. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny -

5. Dr. Suzanne Humphries -

6. Dr. Larry Palevsky -

7. Dr. Toni Bark -

8. Dr. Andrew Wakefield -

9. Dr. Meryl Nass -

10. Dr. Raymond Obomsawin -

11. Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot -

12. Dr. Robert Rowen -

13. Dr. David Ayoub -

14. Dr. Boyd Haley PhD -

15. Dr. Rashid Buttar -

16. Dr. Roby Mitchell -

17. Dr. Ken Stoller -

18. Dr. Mayer Eisenstein -

19. Dr. Frank Engley, PhD -

20. Dr. David Davis -

21. Dr Tetyana Obukhanych -

22. Dr. Harold E Buttram -

23. Dr. Kelly Brogan -

24. Dr. RC Tent -

25. Dr. Rebecca Carley -

26. Dr. Andrew Moulden -

27. Dr. Jack Wolfson -  

28. Dr. Michael Elice -  

29. Dr. Terry Wahls -  

30. Dr. Stephanie Seneff -

31. Dr. Paul Thomas -  

32. Many doctors talking at once -  

33. Dr. Richard Moskowitz -

34. Dr. Jane Orient -

35. Dr. Richard Deth -

36. Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic -

37. Dr Chris Shaw -

38. Dr. Susan McCreadie -

39. Dr. Mary Ann Block -

40. Dr. David Brownstein -

41. Dr. Jayne Donegan -

42. Dr. Troy Ross -

43. Dr. Philip Incao -

44. Dr. Joseph Mercola -

45. Dr. Jeff Bradstreet -

46. Dr. Robert Mendelson -

47. Dr Theresa Deisher  

48. Dr. Sam Eggertsen-  


Hundreds more doctors testify that vaccines aren't safe or effective, in these documentaries....  


1. Vaccination - The Silent Epidemic -   

2. The Greater Good -   

3. Shots In The Dark -   

4. Vaccination The Hidden Truth -   

5. Vaccine Nation -  

6. Vaccination - The Truth About Vaccines -   

7. Lethal Injection -  

8. Bought - 

9. Deadly Immunity -   

10. Made in the USA -   

11. Beyond Treason -   

12. Trace Amounts -   

13. Why We Don't Vaccinate -   




1. How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor by Robert S Mendelsohn MD  

2. The Vaccine Court by Wayne Rohde  

3. How to End the Autism Epidemic by J B Handley  

4. Callous Disregard by Andrew Wakefield  

5. Dissolving Illusiions by Dr Suzanne Humphries  

6. Millers Review of Critical Vaccine Studies by Neil Z Miller  

7. Rising from the Dead by Dr Suzanne Humphries  

8. Raising a Vaccine Free Child by Wendy Lydall  

9. Saying No to Vaccines by Dr Sherri Tenpenny  

10. Vaccine-nation by Dr Andreas Moritz  

11. Murder by Injection by Eustace Mullins  


Here is a list of more than 200 doctors trying to bring you the truth about the COVID-19 hoax. Search for them on the uncensored search engines etc. - Duck Duck Go, Telegram, Bitchute, Rumble and Odysee.   


There are Nobel Prize winners and nominees in this list.  The worldwide number of doctors, surgeons, nurses, medics, lawyers, academics etc., trying to tell you the truth but with no voice on the BBC etc., runs into hundreds of thousands.    


Dr. Michael Yeadon (Former Pfizer VP)  

Dr. Robert Malone (mRNA inventor)  

Dr. Peter McCullough (most published on CV)  

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (Nobel PP Nominee)  

Dr. Kary Mullis (PCR inventor/Nobel PP winner)  

Dr. Rima Laibow  

Dr. Naomi Wolf  

Dr. David Martin  

Dr. Luc Montainger  

Dr. Roger Hodkinson  

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche  

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny  

Dr. Judy Mitkovitz  

Dr. Carrie Madej  

Dr. Vernon Coleman  

Dr. Ben Tapper  

Dr. Michael Lake  

Dr. Christiane Northrop  

Dr. Simone Gold  

Dr. Sean Brooks  

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai  

Dr. Jane Ruby  

Dr. Ryan Cole  

Dr. Kevin Stillwagon  

Dr. Afzal Niaz  

Dr. Rashid A.Buttar  

Dr. Paul Thomas  

Dr. Vanessa Passov  

Dr. Jessica Rose  

Dr. Christopher Rake  

Dr. Charles Hoffe  

Dr. Mark Mcdonald  

Dr. Jeff Barke  

Dr. Andrew Kaufman  

Dr. Manuel Alonso  

Dr. Amir Shahar  

Dr. Patrick Phillips  

Dr. Bryan Ardis  

Dr. Franc Zalewski  

Dr. Daniel Griffin  

Dr. Zandra Botha  

Dr. Rochagné Kilian  

Dr. Joseph Mercola  

Dr. James Lyons-Weiler  

Dr. Henry Ealy  

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya  

Dr. Michael Palmer  

Dr. Eddy Bettermann MD  

Dr. Harvey Risch  

Dr. Steven Hotze  

Dr. Dan Stock  

Dr. Sam Duby  

Dr. Francis Christian  

Dr. Chris Milburn  

Dr. John Carpay  

Dr. Richard Fleming  

Dr. Gina Gold  

Dr. Kevin Corbett  

Dr. Michael Mcdowell  

Dr. John Witcher  

Dr. Jim Meehan  

Dr. Chris Shaw  

Dr. Anne McCloskey  

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich  

Dr. Christiana Parks  

Dr. Robert Young  

Dr. Amandha Vollmer  

Dr. Judy Wilyman  

Dr. Michael McConville  

Dr. Stella Immanuel  

Dr. James Nellenschwander  

Dr. Julie Ponesse  

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi  

Dr. Paul Cottrell  

Dr. Lee Merritt  

Dr. Rochagne Killian  

Dr. Larry Palevsky  

Dr. Natalia Prego Cancelo  

Dr. Hilde de Smet  

Dr. Elizabeth Evans  

Dr. Brian Hooker  

Dr. Joel Hirschhorn  

Dr. R. Zac Cox  

Dr. Mohammed Adil  

Dr. Ralph ER Sundberg  

Dr. Johan Denis  

Dr. Daniel Cullum  

Dr. Anne Fierlafijin  

Dr. Kevin Corbett  

Dr. Pior Rubis  

Dr. Pascal Sacre  

Dr. Nicole Delepine  

Dr. Lorraine Day  

Dr. Yoav Yehezkelli  

Dr. Nour De San  

Dr. Kelly Brogan  

Dr. Hervé Seligmann  

Dr. Annie Bukacek  

Dr. Mark Brody  

Dr. Steven LaTulippe  

Dr. Mark Trozzi  

Dr. Scott Jensen  

Dr. Byram W. Bridle  

Dr. Andrew Wakefield  

Dr. Larry Palevsky  

Dr. Dan Erickson  

Dr. James Todaro  

Dr. Joe Lapado  

Dr. Richard Bartlett  

Dr. Ben Edwards  

Dr. Pierre Kory  

Dr. Heather Gessling  

Dr. Bryan Tyson  

Dr. Richard Urso  

Dr. John Littell  

Dr. Scott Jensen  

Dr. Ben Carson  

Dr. Peter Schirmacher  

Dr. Zandra Botha  

Dr. Pamela Popper  

Dr. Theresa Long  

Dr. Nancy Burks  

Dr. Russel Blaylock  

Dr. Shiv Chopra  

Dr. Suzanne Humphries  

Dr. Tori Bark  

Dr. Meryl Nass  

Dr. Raymond Obamsawin  

Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot  

Dr. Robert Rowen  

Dr. David Ayoub  

Dr. Boyd Hailey  

Dr. Roby Mitchell  

Dr. Ken Stoller  

Dr. Mayer Eiesenstien  

Dr. Frank Engley  

Dr. David Davis  

Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych  

Dr. Harold Butram  

Dr. Kelly Brogan  

Dr. RC Tent  

Dr. Rebecca Carley  

Dr. Andrew Moulden  

Dr. Jack Wolfson  

Dr. Michael Elice  

Dr. Terry Wahls  

Dr. Paul Thomas  

Dr. Stephanie Seneff  

Dr. Richard Moskowitz  

Dr. Jane Orient  

Dr. Richard Deth  

Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic  

Dr. Chris Shaw  

Dr. Susan McCreadie  

Dr. May Ann Block  

Dr. David Brownstein  

Dr. Jayne Donegan  

Dr. Troy Ross  

Dr. Phillip Incao  

Dr. Robert Mendelson  

Dr. Theressa Deisher  

Dr. Sam Eggertsen  

Dr. Peter Doshi  

Dr. Shankara Chetty  

Dr. Elizabeth Eads  

Dr. Kurt Malhom  

Dr. Carolyn Bosack  

Dr. Heiko Shoning  

Prof. Retsif Levi  

Dr. Aseem Malhotra  

Dr. Patricia Lee  

Dr. Daniel Nagase  

Dr. Mobeen Syed  

Dr. Bruce Patterson  

Dr. Randi Juanta  

Dr. Phillip McMillan  

Dr. Peter Gotzche  

Dr. Kurt Malholm  

Dr. Sam Sigoloff  

Dr. Suzanne Humphries  

Dr. Ariyana Love  

Dr. Pierre Gilbert  

Dr. Nathan Thompson  

Dr. Scott Youngblood  

Dr. Peterson Pierre  

Dr. Darell Wolfe  

Dr. Mary Tally Bowden  

Dr. Thomas Ynges  

Dr. Guido Hofmann  

Dr. Anne Mcclosky  

Dr. James Grundvig  

Dr. Amanda Vollmer  

Dr. Kevin Stillwagon  

Dr. Luis Miguel de Benito  

Dr. Bruce Boros  

Dr. Steven Gundry  

Dr. Ray Page  

Dr. Tess Lawrie  

Dr. Andreas Noack  

Dr. Mark Hobart  

Dr. Peter Campbell  

Dr. Peter Johnston  

Dr. Eric Nepute  

Dr. Bradley Campbell  

Dr. Joseph Yi  

Dr Anthony G Beck  

Dr Leland Stillman  

Dr Mattias Desmet  


We should follow ‘the truth' and the huge death numbers (20 million so far worldwide plus 200 million injuries)… and the easily verifiable facts.  We should stand-up and not comply with the communist (CCP) terror narrative that has been being pumped out at us 24/7 for almost 700 days so far.   


The BBC and ALL other mainstream media are bought and paid.   Our country and our government and our media are presently in foreign hands…   It is time to wake up.    


Under no circumstances take any vaccines or boosters.

We, The Voices of Sanity and Reason

 It seems we “conspiracy theorists” are in very eminent company… !!

Or alternatively we can listen to bought and paid for wicked and deadly bollocks from the collaborator Dr Hilary Jones 😊 (Bless)

Please take a few moments to consider this information.  Then try to rationalise it against the tidal-wave of propaganda that that we have all been subjected to for almost 2 years.  


Doctors who explain clearly why vaccines aren't safe or effective…  Here are just a few, but there are thousands:  


1. Dr. Nancy Banks -  

2. Dr. Russell Blaylock -  

3. Dr. Shiv Chopra -  

4. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny -  

5. Dr. Suzanne Humphries -  

6. Dr. Larry Palevsky -  

7. Dr. Toni Bark -  

8. Dr. Andrew Wakefield -  

9. Dr. Meryl Nass -  

10. Dr. Raymond Obomsawin -  

11. Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot -  

12. Dr. Robert Rowen -  

13. Dr. David Ayoub -  

14. Dr. Boyd Haley PhD -  

15. Dr. Rashid Buttar -  

16. Dr. Roby Mitchell -  

17. Dr. Ken Stoller -  

18. Dr. Mayer Eisenstein -  

19. Dr. Frank Engley, PhD -  

20. Dr. David Davis -  

21. Dr Tetyana Obukhanych -  

22. Dr. Harold E Buttram -  

23. Dr. Kelly Brogan -  

24. Dr. RC Tent -  

25. Dr. Rebecca Carley -  

26. Dr. Andrew Moulden -  

27. Dr. Jack Wolfson -  

28. Dr. Michael Elice -  

29. Dr. Terry Wahls -  

30. Dr. Stephanie Seneff -  

31. Dr. Paul Thomas -  

32. Many doctors talking at once -  

33. Dr. Richard Moskowitz -  

34. Dr. Jane Orient -  

35. Dr. Richard Deth -  

36. Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic -  

37. Dr Chris Shaw -  

38. Dr. Susan McCreadie -  

39. Dr. Mary Ann Block -  

40. Dr. David Brownstein -  

41. Dr. Jayne Donegan -  

42. Dr. Troy Ross -  

43. Dr. Philip Incao -  

44. Dr. Joseph Mercola -  

45. Dr. Jeff Bradstreet -  

46. Dr. Robert Mendelson -  

47. Dr Theresa Deisher  

48. Dr. Sam Eggertsen-  


Hundreds more doctors testify that vaccines aren't safe or effective, in these documentaries....  


1. Vaccination - The Silent Epidemic -  

2. The Greater Good -  

3. Shots In The Dark -  

4. Vaccination The Hidden Truth -  

5. Vaccine Nation -  

6. Vaccination - The Truth About Vaccines -  

7. Lethal Injection -  

8. Bought -  

9. Deadly Immunity -  

10. Autism - Made in the USA -  

11. Beyond Treason -  

12. Trace Amounts -  

13. Why We Don't Vaccinate -  




1. How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor by Robert S Mendelsohn MD  

2. The Vaccine Court by Wayne Rohde  

3. How to End the Autism Epidemic by J B Handley  

4. Callous Disregard by Andrew Wakefield  

5. Dissolving Illusiions by Dr Suzanne Humphries  

6. Millers Review of Critical Vaccine Studies by Neil Z Miller  

7. Rising from the Dead by Dr Suzanne Humphries  

8. Raising a Vaccine Free Child by Wendy Lydall  

9. Saying No to Vaccines by Dr Sherri Tenpenny  

10. Vaccine-nation by Dr Andreas Moritz  

11. Murder by Injection by Eustace Mullins  


Here is a list of more than 200 doctors trying to bring you the truth about the COVID-19 hoax. Search for them on the uncensored search engines etc. - Duck Duck Go, Telegram, Bitchute, Rumble and Odysee.   


There are Nobel Prize winners and nominees in this list.  The worldwide number of doctors, surgeons, nurses, medics, lawyers, academics etc., trying to tell you the truth but with no voice on the BBC etc., runs into hundreds of thousands.    


Dr. Michael Yeadon (Former Pfizer VP)  

Dr. Robert Malone (mRNA inventor)  

Dr. Peter McCullough (most published on CV)  

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (Nobel PP Nominee)  

Dr. Kary Mullis (PCR inventor/Nobel PP winner)  

Dr. Rima Laibow  

Dr. Naomi Wolf  

Dr. David Martin  

Dr. Luc Montainger  

Dr. Roger Hodkinson  

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche  

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny  

Dr. Judy Mitkovitz  

Dr. Carrie Madej  

Dr. Vernon Coleman  

Dr. Ben Tapper  

Dr. Michael Lake  

Dr. Christiane Northrop  

Dr. Simone Gold  

Dr. Sean Brooks  

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai  

Dr. Jane Ruby  

Dr. Ryan Cole  

Dr. Kevin Stillwagon  

Dr. Afzal Niaz  

Dr. Rashid A.Buttar  

Dr. Paul Thomas  

Dr. Vanessa Passov  

Dr. Jessica Rose  

Dr. Christopher Rake  

Dr. Charles Hoffe  

Dr. Mark Mcdonald  

Dr. Jeff Barke  

Dr. Andrew Kaufman  

Dr. Manuel Alonso  

Dr. Amir Shahar  

Dr. Patrick Phillips  

Dr. Bryan Ardis  

Dr. Franc Zalewski  

Dr. Daniel Griffin  

Dr. Zandra Botha  

Dr. Rochagné Kilian  

Dr. Joseph Mercola  

Dr. James Lyons-Weiler  

Dr. Henry Ealy  

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya  

Dr. Michael Palmer  

Dr. Eddy Bettermann MD  

Dr. Harvey Risch  

Dr. Steven Hotze  

Dr. Dan Stock  

Dr. Sam Duby  

Dr. Francis Christian  

Dr. Chris Milburn  

Dr. John Carpay  

Dr. Richard Fleming  

Dr. Gina Gold  

Dr. Kevin Corbett  

Dr. Michael Mcdowell  

Dr. John Witcher  

Dr. Jim Meehan  

Dr. Chris Shaw  

Dr. Anne McCloskey  

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich  

Dr. Christiana Parks  

Dr. Robert Young  

Dr. Amandha Vollmer  

Dr. Judy Wilyman  

Dr. Michael McConville  

Dr. Stella Immanuel  

Dr. James Nellenschwander  

Dr. Julie Ponesse  

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi  

Dr. Paul Cottrell  

Dr. Lee Merritt  

Dr. Rochagne Killian  

Dr. Larry Palevsky  

Dr. Natalia Prego Cancelo  

Dr. Hilde de Smet  

Dr. Elizabeth Evans  

Dr. Brian Hooker  

Dr. Joel Hirschhorn  

Dr. R. Zac Cox  

Dr. Mohammed Adil  

Dr. Ralph ER Sundberg  

Dr. Johan Denis  

Dr. Daniel Cullum  

Dr. Anne Fierlafijin  

Dr. Kevin Corbett  

Dr. Pior Rubis  

Dr. Pascal Sacre  

Dr. Nicole Delepine  

Dr. Lorraine Day  

Dr. Yoav Yehezkelli  

Dr. Nour De San  

Dr. Kelly Brogan  

Dr. Hervé Seligmann  

Dr. Annie Bukacek  

Dr. Mark Brody  

Dr. Steven LaTulippe  

Dr. Mark Trozzi  

Dr. Scott Jensen  

Dr. Byram W. Bridle  

Dr. Andrew Wakefield  

Dr. Larry Palevsky  

Dr. Dan Erickson  

Dr. James Todaro  

Dr. Joe Lapado  

Dr. Richard Bartlett  

Dr. Ben Edwards  

Dr. Pierre Kory  

Dr. Heather Gessling  

Dr. Bryan Tyson  

Dr. Richard Urso  

Dr. John Littell  

Dr. Scott Jensen  

Dr. Ben Carson  

Dr. Peter Schirmacher  

Dr. Zandra Botha  

Dr. Pamela Popper  

Dr. Theresa Long  

Dr. Nancy Burks  

Dr. Russel Blaylock  

Dr. Shiv Chopra  

Dr. Suzanne Humphries  

Dr. Tori Bark  

Dr. Meryl Nass  

Dr. Raymond Obamsawin  

Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot  

Dr. Robert Rowen  

Dr. David Ayoub  

Dr. Boyd Hailey  

Dr. Roby Mitchell  

Dr. Ken Stoller  

Dr. Mayer Eiesenstien  

Dr. Frank Engley  

Dr. David Davis  

Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych  

Dr. Harold Butram  

Dr. Kelly Brogan  

Dr. RC Tent  

Dr. Rebecca Carley  

Dr. Andrew Moulden  

Dr. Jack Wolfson  

Dr. Michael Elice  

Dr. Terry Wahls  

Dr. Paul Thomas  

Dr. Stephanie Seneff  

Dr. Richard Moskowitz  

Dr. Jane Orient  

Dr. Richard Deth  

Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic  

Dr. Chris Shaw  

Dr. Susan McCreadie  

Dr. May Ann Block  

Dr. David Brownstein  

Dr. Jayne Donegan  

Dr. Troy Ross  

Dr. Phillip Incao  

Dr. Robert Mendelson  

Dr. Theressa Deisher  

Dr. Sam Eggertsen  

Dr. Peter Doshi  

Dr. Shankara Chetty  

Dr. Elizabeth Eads  

Dr. Kurt Malhom  

Dr. Carolyn Bosack  

Dr. Heiko Shoning  

Prof. Retsif Levi  

Dr. Aseem Malhotra  

Dr. Patricia Lee  

Dr. Daniel Nagase  

Dr. Mobeen Syed  

Dr. Bruce Patterson  

Dr. Randi Juanta  

Dr. Phillip McMillan  

Dr. Peter Gotzche  

Dr. Kurt Malholm  

Dr. Sam Sigoloff  

Dr. Suzanne Humphries  

Dr. Ariyana Love  

Dr. Pierre Gilbert  

Dr. Nathan Thompson  

Dr. Scott Youngblood  

Dr. Peterson Pierre  

Dr. Darell Wolfe  

Dr. Mary Tally Bowden  

Dr. Thomas Ynges  

Dr. Guido Hofmann  

Dr. Anne Mcclosky  

Dr. James Grundvig  

Dr. Amanda Vollmer  

Dr. Kevin Stillwagon  

Dr. Luis Miguel de Benito  

Dr. Bruce Boros  

Dr. Steven Gundry  

Dr. Ray Page  

Dr. Tess Lawrie  

Dr. Andreas Noack  

Dr. Mark Hobart  

Dr. Peter Campbell  

Dr. Peter Johnston  

Dr. Eric Nepute  

Dr. Bradley Campbell  

Dr. Joseph Yi  

Dr Anthony G Beck  

Dr Leland Stillman  

Dr Mattias Desmet  


We should follow ‘the truth' and the huge death numbers (20 million so far worldwide plus 200 million injuries)… and the easily verifiable facts.  We should stand-up and not comply with the communist (CCP) terror narrative that has been being pumped out at us 24/7 for almost 700 days so far.   


The BBC and ALL other mainstream media are bought and paid.   Our country and our government and our media are presently in foreign hands…   It is time to wake up.    


Under no circumstances take any vaccines or boosters.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

What's going On Right Now: and Left Now


It is important to realise what's going on here.

Two years'ago, in December 2019, the #RejoinerZionistCapitalist coalition won the General Election and got a Conservative Government elected here in the UK.

Just as the last time of its planned success, in 1979 (when it installed the #neoLiberal Conservative Government here in the UK, led by Margaret Thatcher), the remit of the, ostensibly, Boris Johnson-led #neoConservative Conservative Government is, this time, not to smash the vanguard of the Worked Class, the Miners' Trade Union. Margaret Thatcher did for them, just as the rest of the Trades Unions did for themselves during the hapless 1970's under both Labour and Conservative #postWarConsensus Governments.

This time it is the turn of *all of us* to be smashed into submission to #CapitalismsIronHeel.

Hence Covid: an opportunity either created or recognised.

By contrast to 1979, the #neoConservative Government in the UK doesn't need a companion assault in the US because the core mantra in the Thatcher/Reagan #neoLiberal playbook was the long-standing #FreeTradeLiberalCapitalist mantra: 'The Government is not The Solution, The Government is The Problem'.

In the US this is so deeply embedded that #CompulsoryMurderByInjection will lead to armed insurrection.

Here in UK, and the rest of The White-faced Commonwealth of Nations, the continuation of the (Liberal-imposed!) #PostWarConsensus 'Welfare' Coercive State, especially #OurSocialistNHS, has meant that CompulsoryMurderByInjection is not, only, tolerated by the majority of The Worked Class (us the 88%) and by the entire Praetorian Guard (the 10%) but *enforced by the Conservative Voters, Supporters and Funders*.

Notably, the RejoinerZionistCapitalist Conspiracy.

So, what to do?

The LetTheUKLive group correctly takes the tactic of 'Resist, Defy, Do Not Comp,y' onto the streets and to the school gates.

I/we add the #PropositionalPolitics of the plan for Co-operative Socialism to the LetTheUKLive and AStandInThePark decentralised #ProtestPolitics

Which leaves the third form of Change, #PracticalDemonstration, as exemplified by our 'Littlehampton and District Guild of Co-operators: For Peace and The Common Good' with our month od November's programme of activity *Of* and*For* Peace and The Common Good.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

My Prayer Routine.

 I send love continuously to everyone all the time.

And, then, verbally as I switch out the light at sleeping time.

When, again verbally, I thank our Father in Heaven.

I never add asks or requests.

Because He Knows every trouble on, and in, our hearts.

He loves us.


The God of The New Testament

This is the distinguishing aspect of #trueChristianity as in the #NewTestament as contrasted to the Old Testament: and, as such lays the lie to the attempted co-option of #trueChistianity by the fake assertion of a 'Judeo-Christian' tradition.

The Old Testament version of God claims Him/Her/It to be capable of using violence to 'Smite mine enemies'.

The New Testament God that I know and which our friend and comrade, Jesus speaks is, not only, Omnipresent (present everywhere in space and time) but Omnipowerful (capable of anything).

But there is no evidence that 'Man's inhumanity to Man' is anything but the result of Human Actions, through the operation of Human Free Will.

Ps, the OT version is only *one* of the Jewish religious traditions. That was taught to me when I attended the funeral of my fellow Labour Action for Peace member and activist, Walter Wolfgang: the text and litergy at the Liberal Jewish Cemetary in north-west London spoke of a loving God.

Not a 'smiter of enemies': as a Christian, Quaker, Pacifist and Democratic Co-operative Socialist I have no enemies: those that try (so hard!) to be be so are deluded, deranged fools.

Poor they.

Friday, November 12, 2021

In brief: Capitalism can never be Sustainable

 A reader asks, 'What have Covid Protests to do with Climate Change and Soil Health?'

I offered:

Alexandra Craigie very many thanks for asking this key question.

In brief, the answer is: 100%.

The Covid scam is designed to re-issue Capitalism as 'The Great Reset': before the next financial crash (whose twenty year periodicity, put the next crash at 2027, or before).

We all know that Capitalism (and all other forms of usurious hierarchy) is unsustainable and injurious to Soil Heath: my fellow Quaker, John Bellers, made this point three hundred years' ago, by pointing out that a Capitalist Market in Land sweated the land in order to pay the three forms of Usurious/Capitalist Unearned Income: Rent, Interest and/or Profits.

Now, since the Chemical Equation for the production of Pollution (and Wealth) is as follows and, since Capitalism demands its usurious 'Return in The Shortest Possible Time', Capitalism *maximises* the generation of pollution in all three spheres (land, wather and air).

The equation referred to is:

Materials  +  Energy --->  Wealth + Pollution

(And, because of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the amount of Pollution is *always* greater than the amount of wealth.)

The solution, then, is to remove the quite ficticious and entirely harmful time-driven aspects of capitalism. Not by a Marxist nonsense but by #truesocialism.

Hence the plan for Co-operative Socialism.

I hope that this helps.

And, again, thank-you for asking this key question!

Very best wishes,


She replied that it has Zero to do with Soil and Climate.

I, then, offered:

Alexandra Craigie it absolutely does: the Covid Scam is designed to ensure that Capitalism continues.

So our work to confront that scam is entirely consistent with Co-operative Careship of the Lithosphere: and, Aquasphere and Atmosphere

Thursday, November 11, 2021

12th November 2021 The Useless Eaters


So, here's the thing.

The Nazis that run the world (at present), aided by their #wokeMarxist Quislings, consider that us, the Pensioners, are 'The Useless Eaters'.

And must be culled.

Just as the #wokeMarxists did to our older sisters and brothers by a) actively denying them Hospital Care last April and b) murdering them with midazolam and morphine on the DNR ('Do Not Recussitate') 'Liverpool Death Pathway'.

Worse, the cyber squatting Pensioners' voice, the National Pensioners' Convention and its regional Vichy Police (such as the Greater London Pensioners''Convention': such a Stalinist #wokeMarxist Fascist Nomenclatura that its 'Executor/ive' Minutes show its refusal to *even name* ! Submitted Motions that show it to be what it is: the Bosses Patseys) have been *nowhere* to be seen in this Genocidal Culling of us, 'The Useless Eaters'.

So, are we, the core activists in the Freedom, Democracy and Equality Movement, the #antivaxxer #UselessEaters that the Nazi/Zionist/Capitalist/#EugenicsConspiracy claim (through their #TelllALieVision #GoebelssBBCimposion etc)?

In short: No!

We are the generation that is defending the Democracy, Equality and, thus, Freedom that our Grandparents secured through their deaths in The First World War, the Spanish 'Civil' War and its sequel, The Second World War.

That's why the Quisling Vichy RoboCop 'Police' (the Terrorists'Support Group) are sent out by the #wokeMarxists such as Priti Patel and Sadiq Khan to beat us with extendable steel truncheons and (soon) Tear Gas, Water Cannon and Pepper Spray.

The Nazis didn't win in the 1940's.

Nor will we let them do so in the decade of shame, the 2020's.

That's why we, The #truesocialst Pensioners are clearly *not* the Useless Eaters, but, rather, the defenders and developers of #truedemocracy, #trueequality and #truefreedom.

The #TreasonousWoke need to remember that penalty for Treason is still #DeathByHanging.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


 So, for example, our movement is certainly a Freedom Movement.

But ithat also means that it's an Anti-tyranny Movement.

The Nazis know this messaging strategy: they refer to us as anti-vaxxers.

Which puts us on the back foot.

For those who are intrigued, my thinking is informed by the rugby (Union) that was our winter-time sports game at Cray Valley Technical High School for Boys; where my poor eyesight meant that I couldn't join in. Grrr!

The link that Facebook won't allow to be posted.


BOMBSHELL - BOMBSHELL - Confidential pfizer research document. Translated from Japanese to English. "Biodistribution" study of mRNA vaccines. PROVES the mRNA moves from the injection site to the blood, then circulates spike proteins throughout the body, attacking the ovaries, liver, neurological tissues, other organs. This is the study that will result in mRNA vaccines being pulled from the market! Absolute proof of system-wide dangers to the body: PDF document.

In response to which, a friend wrote:

This is well-known. The lipid nanoparticles transport the spike protein through blood and plasma throughout the body. Alarmingly, it collects in high concentrations in female ovaries. This must have been known or is known to government officials and still they push the vaccine. Are they deliberately trying to cull the world's population? I hope on everything that is holy that I am wrong. That would be pure evil.

To which another friend wrote:

A friend writes: I believe this has all been about depopulation from the beginning and whats even more scary is the fact that they are now targeting our children they are demons in human form to do what they are doing.

And another friend wrote:

Ties in with the Amazon series Utopia, make the next generation infertile!

Any links to that series, please.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

The Madness . . . And its Solution

 The Madness . . . And its Solution

The madness called 'Covid-19' is designed to ignore *the fact that* on 19 March 2019, the UK Government's *own website* announced that, in the light of the low transmissability and low mortality risks, the 'new illness' called 'Covid-19' was being *downgraded* from Highly Dangerous.

But the UK Government's Prime Minister, 'Johnson', *on the same day* announced *the exact opposite*.

In order to destroy the democratic fruit of Brexit: democracy at Westminster.

Nothing more, nothing less: to destroy the UK as a Christian-morality Parliamentary Democracy.

On behalf of Capitalism/Zionism/#woke/Satanism.

Nothing more, nothing less: murder through Treason.

The good news, however, is that our innate sense of that same Christian Morality leads us to the solution: #truesocialism by implementing the plan for Co-operative Socialism.

Please, not only share, but give: give The Love.


Thursday, October 21, 2021

Proposed Early Day Motion text: 'The Plan for Co-operative Socialism

Proposed Early Day Motion text: 'The Plan for Co-operative Socialism

'The Plan for Co-operative Socialism: That This House shall debate, adopt, implement and Annually Audit, Celebrate and Develop, the plan for Co-operative Socialism #truesocialism as already adopted by Labour Action for Peace, Occupy London, Bromley Peace Council, Bromley Trade Union Pensioners Action Association and Bromley Co-operative Party.

Proposed by:

Seconded by:

XY October 2021

Friday, October 15, 2021

Occupy London (Occupy lsx) Ten Years' On

Ten years' ago, today, on 15th October 2011, the Occupy camp as St Pauls Cathedral, London was set up. The history of events is recorded here:

The initial plan was to Occupy Paternoster Square, the home of The London Stock Exchange, hence the initial name Occupy lsx.  In the event, that plan was frustrated, so the campers retreated through an archway to the front courtyard on the western side of St Pauls Cathedral.

As it turned out this move had three, at least, consequenses.

First, the new site was far more in public view to passing traffic.  Secondly, it drew the Dean and Chapter of St Pauls into reaction to the camp. Thirdly, the interaction with The Stock Exchange seems to have immediately been forgotten.

Camp was organised on a 'Working Group' basis with twice daily, I think, General Assemblies to use consensual decision making over matters as they arose. Support by the wider activist community was immediate: a kitchen and eating area was established in the area beside (and blocking) the side door to the Cathedral's crypt and restaurant such that, at a subsequent meeting in the rooms above the afore-mentioned arch, Cathedral representatives told us how cross they were at losing £2million Pounds'-worth of income.

One notable vignette associated with the 'Tranquility Work Group' was the capture of a nocturnal arsonist and the handing over of him (I think) to The City of London Police.

I was involved in two Work Groups and on one occasion, was asked to facilitate a particularly fractious General Assemby where a Camp tidy-up had been proposed.  One faction was keen to tidy up: another group was indifferent to doing that work.  As an 'Act of God' during that heated confrontation, a City work crew turned up un-announced so those of us keen to join in the clean up did so, while the others went off to sit and sup in the tea tent.

My involvement in the Occupy Faith Working Group was a happy time and, altough I never lived 'on camp', nor did I walk on the Faith Group's Pilgrimage from St Pauls to Canterbury, I was asked to be a panellist at the Conference that The University of Kent students organised at the end of the Pilgrimage and spent time at our field camp there; although some fellow Quakers gave me a bed and breakfast stop-over (I was homeless at the time).

The other Work Group that I was asked to join followed from a series of five co-learning, co-producing sessions at our Tent City University: on the cold paving stones at the western-end of Camp.

Those sessions were based upon the five articles that the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (the 'CCPA') has asked, and paid, me to write and which they published in their monthly magazine, 'The CCPA Monitor' during the winter of 2010-2011 and, as a 'CCPA Reader on Co-operative Socialism' in May 2011.  This Reader is available as a free PDF in the papers' section at http:\\ where, it should be noted an old email address is no longer operational. It has been replaced by .

That second Work Group was named 'The Occupy London Economics Working Group'.

It comprised a very middle-and upper-middle class group  (and me) which, tellingly, met in the basement of the Starbucks Coffee Shop, close to our St Pauls Camp, but not on Camp itself.  And certainly neither in the Camp tea tent or in our Tent City University tent: on the cold flagstones.

After many twists and turns, the Economics Working Group reduced down to twice-weekly open meetings in the Cafe Corridor at Friends House, Euston.

At the opening of Camp, a declaration was made and, fromthe Wikipedia page reads as follows:

On 16 October, a gathering of over 500 Occupy London protesters collectively agreed upon and issued the following 'Initial Statement':

  1. The current system is unsustainable. It is undemocratic and unjust. We need alternatives; this is where we work towards them.
  2. We are of all ethnicities, backgrounds, genders, generations, sexualities dis/abilities and faiths. We stand together with occupations all over the world.
  3. We refuse to pay for the banks' crisis.
  4. We do not accept the cuts as either necessary or inevitable. We demand an end to global tax injustice and our democracy representing corporations instead of the people.
  5. We want regulators to be genuinely independent of the industries they regulate.
  6. We support the strike on 30 November and the student action on 9 November, and actions to defend our health services, welfare, education and employment, and to stop wars and arms dealing.
  7. We want structural change towards authentic global equality. The world's resources must go towards caring for people and the planet, not the military, corporate profits or the rich.
  8. The present economic system pollutes land, sea and air, is causing massive loss of natural species and environments, and is accelerating humanity towards irreversible climate change. We call for a positive, sustainable economic system that benefits present and future generations.
  9. We stand in solidarity with the global oppressed and we call for an end to the actions of our government and others in causing this oppression.
    — occupylsx (Occupy London), Statement issued from the assembly on the steps of St Paul's Cathedral, reported in The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph[19]

Some time later, the Economics Working Group proposed a GA Process at St Pauls to, as it were, concretise this by adopting the plan for Co-operative Socialism, as contained in the CCPA Reader on Co-operative Socialism and, with due process that was agreed.  

A relevant Ocvupy London page is here:

So, why did Occupy London end?

Firstly, our Economics Working Group stopped once I had been Decanted from Beckenham to Littlehampton in May 2019.  Secondly, the Occupy Faith Working Group was always cold-shouldered by the St Pauls Institute at its Crypt and 'Under The Dome' events called 'The City for The Common Good'.  Thirdly the Public School Boys and Grammar School Boys that had met at the basement of Starbucks drifted off to other hobbies. Finally, Covid, 'The Scam or The Reality'.

Was this inevitable?

I think yes. 

There were six groups on Camp, two groups, each of three. First the three groups that wanted System Change: From Capitalism to 'something else.  First, The Anarchists who wanted no Government, Church or State; many of whom sloped off to the free-tea and butties while Camp was being tidied, jeering at those doing the work.  Second were the #woke Marxists who wanted to be the bosses in a New Marxist Communist Capitalism.  Finally, we #truesocialists who supported the plan for #truesocialism by supporting the democratic and peaceful implementation of the plan for Co-operative Socialism: indeed, as a prelude to 'The Kingdom' that Jesus calls for.

The other set of three groups all wanted Capitalism to continue. But for the tax burden to be taken off their backs.

And loaded onto the backs of others.

First there were the Georgists, who wanted Landowners to pay a Land Value Taxation so that Income Tax could be abolished.  Secondly, the Social Credit, Positive Money people who think that Sovereign-money creation is the magic bullet to cure all ills (such as Income Tax). And, thirdly, the anti-globalist/anti-Corporation crowd that want Company Tax to replace Income Tax.

And, of course, all backed up by well-funded, arriviste, 'academics' publishing their histories of Occupy: but never coming to Camp. 

Let alone the Work Groups. Certainly never tidying, serving, cooking, washing up, getting their hans dirty: too much like drudgery for the North-London Liberal Élite!

So, is there life for Occupy yet?

Certainly: the next phase is to Occupy Parliament by setting up a New Camp that Occupies the entire Parliament Square/Whitehall/Westminster precinct: roads and as well as green spaces, allowing buses and Emergency vehicles only, at walking pace, access: no taxis, cars, delivery vehicles, bicycles, Police, horses, etc.

And demanding a People's Parliament: to abolisg The Monarchy and Aristocracy, empty out The House of Lords and repopulate it as a Second Chamber on a Randomocracy Basis with an Elected House of Commons that will debate, implement, annually audit for improvement the plan for Co-operative Socialism.

By Tuesday!

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

What Co-operative Socialism is Designed to Achieve.

 Hence the orientation of the plan for Co-operative Socialism: for Peace and The common Good.


The Minimisation of Harm and The Maximisation of Well-being!

In All, by all, for All: the best!

it's what I'm here for!

Monday, October 11, 2021

Usury, Capitalism's Achilles' Heel

Once again, these are the Vatican's usurers.

Repeal Henry VIII's Act of 1545 that *first* legalised usury (and was, with 16th Century spin doctoring entitled 'In Restraint of Usury': see Sir Harry Page's book with that title) and the entire Capitalist system becomes illegal.

The Peoples' Peaceful Rebellion

 The Peoples' Peaceful Rebellion

No! to Their Neo-Capitalist New World Order!

No! to The Old World Order!


The rape, sexual abuse, sacrifice and organ harvesting of babies and children was endemic,

Where the forced medical assault on babies, children and adults, including Genital Mutilation of babies, the forced feminisation of boys was rife,

Where "Unemployment was A Price Worth Paying"

Where money stress, debt, worry and domestic arguments and abuse were endemic,

Where divorce, disharmony among parents was encouraged, resulting in single-parenting of babies, infants, children, teenagers and young adults, all to their detriment

Where paid-work was, when permitted, was drudgery, danger, worry, boredom, and despair,

And where 'care' of the elderly, frail, injured, ill and discarded to homelessness was an opportunity for profit, capitalism and accumulation,

Where trashing the planet was fatuously described as 'Wealth Creation' and 'Jobs Creation'

Where God's Creation, the Commonweal, and Community-owned and Paid-for assets were stolen, sold and Profit-ised ('Privatised', 'Pirate-ised') to the Capitalist, Oligarchs Parasites,

Including Our Socialist NHS, Our Schools, Colleges, Universities, Adult, Continuing and Re-create-ional Education was replaced by Compliance-demanded, Hierarchical Training,

To the Coarsening and Corruption of all Human Relationships: Personal, Familial, Social and Community, Inter-generational, Inter-national and Global,

Where decadence, dissolution, despair, loneliness resulted in rape, pornograhy-as-endemic, drunkeness, drug-dealing,

And Covid-19.

Yes! to Our Democratic and Co-operative Socialist, global caring Commonweal!

For, and of, Peace, Order and The Common Good!


Fear of hunger, homelessness, boredom, assault, rape, sacrifice, loneliness, sexual-exploitation, rejection and Enforced Celibacy disappear,

Where human needs are provided to all, without application, charity or compulsory assessment on a Co-operative Socialist basis: Community provided, Free-at-the-point of use!

Anyone for that?

Sunday, October 10, 2021

I wish that I was this erudite!

 I wish that I was this erudite!

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Calling all Canadians!

 Jason Kenney on 'The Great Reset':

The reality is this:

On behalf of global capitalism, Bloomberg News interviewed me at some length at a Bank of England-sponsored event at The City of London's Giuildhall in about 2012.

The interview was in a corridor at the event, has never, as far as I know been publiclly screened and was taken while all other participants were settling down, after lunch, to be lectured at by the EU Commissioner Modi (who, incidentally, was walkec to the podium by two heavily-armed security guards and where he took no questions having instructed the 1000+ City company employees that they should 'get with the music': Capitalism's music.

Or else.

Anyway, the Bloomberg interview involved them getting the full details of our plan for #truesocialism (ie Co-operative Socialism), item-by-item.

Just as had been publishec by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives in 2009/2010 and available in the papers' section at

Anyway, my expectation is that the World Economic Forum people, including Klaus Schwab, too, so that our plan could be reworked: so that their plan ('The Great Reset' and 'Stakeholder Capitalism') could have the appearance our plan.

But with the Capitalists still in charge.

Ie, just as happened in 1945 following The Labour Party's plan of 1937: the plan to convert the UK into a Co-operative Commonwealth.

But, this time, we will.

Monday, October 4, 2021

Beyond Magnificent!

 This is beyond magnificent!

What The Cunts Are Up To.

First, humans are naturally healthy: we wouldn't be here otherwise.

Second, capitalism makes us all ill and kills us prematurely: it is, both the cause of income inequailty and is based in income inequity, both of which create illness for all (morbidity) and premature death (mortality). The science of social epidemiology is clear on both (see 'The Spirit Level' book).

Thirdly, analytical chemists (I'm not picky enough to be one) are phenomenally diligent: the public water standards will have been rigorously defined and pais-takingly monitored against Statutory standards and defined penalties.

Yes, the profitisation of Public Water supplies through a process of piratisation (which the thieves called privatisation) introduced an unnecessary threat (profit-seeking and -maximisation) but those standards are maintained.

By way of a compliation of evidence: the survivors of capitalism, my mum's generation, have lived for all their lives drinking, cooking, washing etc in Public Water supplies: the conversion of the gullible, ill-educated, deliberately misled public (see the electrolysis scam video) into aping their effluent 'betters' into buying, and carrying home, a nonsense commodity (bottled water) through a swill-bucket plot called 'the advertising industry'.

The very same liars that now create the lies that their cunts, like Boris and Biden, relentlessly drive into people through the capitalist media (ITV etc: btw, what ever happened to the 'demands' action at the ITV HQ?).

Our anti-poisoning actions are part of this 'medicate-the-herd' into soporific compliance.

Fluoride, jabs, bottled water are the prelude to mass-medazolam 'public protection' methods: George Floyd-ing the herd.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Solidarity as the Basis of a Healthy Society

I consider that solidarity the basis of a sociable, healthy society.

And of sociable, healthy families and individuals.

Perhaps it's worthwhile pointing out that in, I think, 'The Spirit Level' book, that my friends Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett point to an observation of Alexis de Toqueville that, in Eighteenth Century America, there was unity of intention (solidarity) due to equality of experience (economic condition).

This, then, is the basis on which the plan for Co-operative Socialism is built: that none should have too much and none should have too little.

Hence the income aspects:

A Living Income for Everyone as a base,

A maximised 'Community-provided, Free-at-the-point-of-use' Solidarity Economy ie Socialist Economy, and,

A Paid Work Income Cap: all three Socially-determined.

Of course, the equity (fairness) aspect is covered by abolishing all three forms of unearnt incomes (four if we abolish 'perks' as well), namely the abolition of Rent, Interest and Profits.

I hope that all lovers of, and promoters of, The Freedom to Contribute and to Thrive, will see the sense in this.

Friday, October 1, 2021

And how will we not stand for it?

 And how will we not stand for it?

Other than by replacing the shills for Capitalism/Zionism/Satanism at Westminster.

By evicting the criminals.

Voting in a People's Parliament.

Abolishing the Monarchy and Aristocracy.

Installing a randomocracy People's House of Lords.

And replacing Capitalism with #truesocialism.

By debating, adopting, implementing, annually auditing and celebrating the now-matured and -clarified plan for Co-operative Socialism.

By setting up 'Rough-music-at-2am' camps outside every MPs home until they vote to dissolve Parliament and call in a General Election.

This is our Winter of Discontent.

By creating their Winter of Discomfort.

Monday, September 13, 2021

State Murdering of Women

 Does anyone here know anything about the mass deaths that are occurring in the Deportation Centres in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

The discarded women Maids and other contract domestic workers are being kept incommunicado as they are being dumped into these Death Camps.

Their phones are taken off them at the door, as they are dumped into these Deportation or Death Centres.

The women and girls come from African, Asian and other high-unemployment countries and, after being beaten (and I supect worse) are thrown out onto the streets to end up, eventually, in these Mass Murder Deportation or Death Centres.

Of which there are many in Riyadh (and, my guess is, elsewhere).

This is a humanitatian crisis that The Guardian, The Independent, Panorama, Amnesty and The Red Cross might already know about.

I doubt that the Saudi government and other 'Third World' governments want this known about.

Ps, the fact that their phones are being taken off them at the door means that they cannot tell their families what's going on.

Nor can their Home Country governments learn of the deaths of their Citizens in this way.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

What's Going On

The money supply prior to 2007 was mostly issued by the retail banks as interest-bearing debt.

Our proposal to issue money interest-free by the Community as part of our plan for Co-operative Socialism was co-opted by Gordon Brown, Alasdair Darling and the Treasury when they announced 'Quantitaive Easing', QE: which meant allowing Goverments to increase the money supply *but leaving the rest of Capitalism in place*.

Hence the present mayhem.

The 'Great Reset' is simply an attempt to extend Capitalism by swapping our debt (we, the 88%) for Voluntary Acquiescence to Tyranny, until such time as we have been murdered by injection.

At that point, Capitalism's Praetorian Guard (the 10%) will no longer be needed (to control us) since we will no longer exist.

So they, the 10% (the people with P-jobs: Professors, Police, Prison Guards, Publicists and the other 'Professionals': The Pimps-for-Capitalism) will be converted into slaves to produce babies for sacrifice and enuch flesh-robot drudges to do the d-jobs which we, the 88% presently are forced, though the fear of starvation into doing (ie, the dirty, dangerous, despicable, dis-spiriting, drudgery that the 2%, the Capitalists, Monarchy/Aristocracy *won't* dirty their hands to do).

Unless, of course we replace Capitalism.

Before they/it replace/s us (as they did to our Elderly last April: and are doing to our girls, women and children now using the poison jab).

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

A Political Vision for equality, true democracy and, thus, freedom

A Political Vision for equality, true democracy and, thus, freedom 

Parliament Square London August 2021.

The mayhem of the 20th century, and of the present one so far, lead us to conclude that capitalism must be replaced.

A  In terms of process: this requires the abolition of the monarchy and aristocracy and the repopulation of the present House of Lords on a randomocracy basis: one randomly-selected member per parliamentary constituency, serving for 3 years, then retiring by thirds.

B In terms of outcome:

   1 the 1545 legislation that legalized money lending and credit creation at interest (ie legalising usury) must be immediately repealed,

   2  a guaranteed income for all (a 'Living Income for Everybody', a 'LIFE') must be introduced within at the most one year 

   3 the plan for Co-operative socialism must be debated and implemented - again at least within one year and, thereafter, Annually Audited.

     And celebrated!

Drafted by John courtneidge 11th of August 2021 

A signature sheet will follow. 

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Just a Start


Lynne Sample Tricky area this: do, for example, we consider that parents have free will to, say, apply heroin to their children?

Or to use them for sex?

Or for prostitution?

This brings in Susan Currie's comments, above, along with Alan Stein 's helpful engagement.

Capitalism, like all forms of totalitarianism, is (seems to be?) a venue where everything is 'shouty black and white, yes or no!'

Chemistry has that to an extent, 'Is this an acid or an alkali?'

But, then, nuance, is introduced as adjectives 'Is this a strong acid, like sulphuric acid, or a weak acid, like vinegar?' Then is it Sulphuric IV Acid ('Sulphurous Acid' in the old days and at the start of my school chemistry) or Sulphuric VI Acid (or just 'Sulphuric Acid' at that time. And, even now, were you allowed to buy it!)

As to vaccination and 'vaccination' and the pharamceutical industry part of capitalism and the current events. Including Brexit, Afghanisan, the US Presidentcy, Israel, Trans 'Rights', 'Rights' generally . . .

And Susan's text above, 'You are so deluded it is becoming criminal.'

Then, Susan's rejoinder to Alan, 'Alan Stein I am referring to John's total anti vaccination stance.'

Every word, pretty well requiring debate . . . Or, better, discussion, 'deluded', 'becoming', 'criminal', 'total', 'anti-vaccination', 'stance' . . .

A Scots Archaelogist Niel Ferguson on YouTube has a small piece asking, essentially, 'Why is everyone going mad?'

Again, 'why', 'everyone', 'going', 'mad', 'is' . . . A richness of questions.

Which, incidentally, is explained in the sequel to 'The Spirit Level' book, 'The Inner Level' and by the biochemical consequences of inequality: income inequality as we used to say.

And which the plan for Co-operative Socialism #truesocialism is designed to sort out.

For sanity!

And love!

Thursday, September 2, 2021

What We Can Do to Oust Tyrrany


On 19th March 2020, the UK Government posted on that the new illness, named by the WHO, the month begore as 'Covid-19' (since it was first identified in 2019: ie it was not the Nineteenth in a series such as Covid-17, Covid-18, etc) was, on that day, being downgraded from the H'ighly Infectious' and Deadly, category in which, for example, Ebola, is placed, since the new illness was proving to *not* be as deadly as had been, at first feared.

Incidentally, the name 'Covid' part of the name was used by the WHO since it, the WHO, both conjectured that it was viral in origin and that the WHO was fearul that if it, at that time, it used the 'SARS' labelling, there would be mass panic in south-east Asia.

The WHO's Director General explained that naming strategy in a Press Conference in, either February or March 2020  and viewable during 2020 on YouTube.

In that same time-bracket of February-March 2020, he also gave another Press Conference in order to say, exactly, that, 'All deaths involving Covid-19 were of individuals who had co-morbidities (ie pre-existing illnesses) such that the risk of death was enhanced by the new illness, not the result of the new illness *alone*.

On 19th March 2020 the UK's Prime Minister, named Alexander Boris d'Pfeffile Johnson (son of the Eugenisist, Stsnley Johnson) announced in the UK's House of Commons *the exact opposite* of that Covid-19 danger downgrade.

And four days' later on 23rd March 2020 tabled in the UK House of Commons *not a Bill for due process of Parliamentary Debate*, but a Statutory Instrument of 356 pages.

And, thus was initiated the murder of the elderly, the trashing of the economy, the excess suicides and, now, the *highlyly profitable* injection of the adult and elderly population with an untested set of injectable concoctions *for which informed consent as to risks was impossible*, since these concoctions were, by definition, 'Experimental'.

Since two-thirds of the UK Electorate were Conservative Supporters, by vote at the preceeding UK Elections and that, also, the so-called UK National Political Parties (Labour, Co-operative, Lib-Dem, UKIP/Brexit, etc) all *without Debate* supported the UK Government's imposition of a 'Three Week Lockdown' with no 'mask' wearing suggested, but with anti-Social Distancing and Hand-contamination required/'suggested', it is no wonder whatso-ever, that the UK Population was coerced, eventually, into muzzle-wearing and muzzle-compliance by, for example, *banning all political activity* and, unprecedented in the whole of history *banning congregational Religious Worship*.

Not only did the Nationalist Parties in Scotland and Wales bow the knee to this *Evil Tyrrany* (built upon the Covid-Lie) but that this Evil Tyrrany has been spread - in Spades- to the white-faced parts of the Commonwealth of Nations (Australia, New Zealand, Canada: but not the black-and brown-skinned member countries, thanks-be!), but to the former British/Norman Empire colony of the USA.

The foregoing demands, therefore, processs for 'Covid Truth' and processes for the determination, adoption and implementation of social, political, economic, religious, educational, philosophical and spiritual alternatives to the mechanisms by which this Evil Tyrrany has been imposed.

We, The People, achieved the ending of Totalitarian Evil Tyrranies of both Monarchist, Feudal, Marxist, Fascist and National Socialist forms during the past five hundred years.

We must do the same now.

Collectively, Democratically, Co-operatively, Peacefully and as Democratic Co-operative Socialists.

By setting up local, independent and non-federated Guilds of Co-operators, identifying and causing to be elected Independent, Local Co-operative Socialist MPs and impkementing tbe Draft Process and Policy document prepared as a Vision Proposal by the Let The UK Live group at Parliament Square in August 2021

John Courtneidge

Littlehampton, 2nd September 2021

Saturday, August 7, 2021

The New Demonic Nazism


And the US is to blame for allowing this demonic Nazism to have emerged.

We will do better.

It's called a Global Co-operative Commonweal.

Or, in our comrade and fellow co-operator's words 'The Kingdom of Heaven'.

'Let those that have ears to hear, Hear!'

Reference: The Gospel of Thomas', Richard Valantasis, Routledge.

Happy First Day, all!

Thursday, August 5, 2021

The New (Old) Feudalism


Some short while back, I recall legislation that said that we no longer own our own bodies and that our bodies are now owned by the Government.

If that rcollection is correct, then the Government can do whatever it likes with any body.

Not anybody's body, *their* body, the State's property.

Accordingly, as with Margaret Thatcher's treatment of State-owned assets, each one of us is now 'For Sale'.

QED, The New (Old) Feudalism.

Just as The Conservative (Feudal) Party always intended.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Better Than Capitalism


It is also my understanding from some-one else's FOI Requests to the CDC in the US, that *no* viruses have ever been isolated and characterised.

Thus, and this is the basis of all science, that, from the evidence that has been collected, the conjecture that viruses exist is just that, conjecture.

Thus, to claim that an apparently new upper respiratory illness, named from the year of its first appearance, 2019, and *conjectured* to be a virus related to the claimed earlier 'virus', SAR-COV-1, and named, *in a preliminary way* 'Covid-19' (see the Director of the WHO's Press and Media interviews of February and March 2019), is preposterous in the political way to which it has subsequently been put.

The mere facts that the 2014 TV Interview of Harry Vox whistle-blew the 2010 Rockerfeller Foundation's 2010 'Scenarios' document *and* that on 19th March 2019 *based on the evidence of low infectiousness and low death-rate* associated with this new Covid-19 illness (see the website) *and!* that *on the same day, 19th March 2019, the UK's Neo-Conservative Capitalist, Prime Minister Alexander Boris d'Pffeffle Johnson, announced *the exact opposite assertion as to the threat posed by Covid-19* shows the *Political, Eugenisists' intent* in using (or, even, as suggested by others, *initiating*) this event.

Time, therefore, for a Statement of Alternative Politics, Economics, etc, that we will start to produce.

Tomorrow, 3pm, Tuesday 27th July 2021, Parliament Square (rain venue, Central Hall Westminster, close by).

Starting with an experiential set of exercises, 'What Are Our Values?'

Thursday, July 22, 2021

The Necessary Timetable

Our people are not of the #fakeleft and #hobbyprotesters

Monday's actions, on the 19th July 2021, tell us that our people know where the Power Lies and Power Lays: in The Palace of Westminster.

Accordingly our political demand must be a rapid system evolution:

1) To replace the membership of The House of Lords with a randomly-selected, one-per Parliamentary Constituency basis, serving for Three Years, retiring by Thirds thereafter. To determine a) a recommendation to the Lower House the £-level of a Living Income for Everyone and b) a £-level for a maximum Paid-work income: to produce a much more nearly income-equal UK;

2) For the Lower House, The House of Commons, to debate our plan for Co-operative Socialism starting on 1st December 2021,in order to put its views to the Electorate in a General Election that will be held on the first Thursday in May 2022.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

What Jesus Says About Money and Capitalism

 Tonight's nourishment: Thomas 64 and 95 and comparisons to the three Synoptic Gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke*.

See the papers' section at

Ps there is a nice correlation table at the Parables of Jesus on Wikipedia.

* Direct link:

A Poem: 'God Is Good'

 A Poem: 

'God Is Good'

God is good,

They say,

And Evil, bad.

But, upon reflection,

I see,

That Good is God,

And Selfishness,

The Very Devil.

Ps for the word 'Devil' one might substitute the word 'Satan'.

En Français: Le Plan Socialist et Co-operatif!

 Co-operative Socialism, Le plan:

Abolisons la Rent, L'Interes, Les Profits-à-Shareholders

Et les taxes personells et au les achâts

Convir tous les places de trâvialle comme les co-operatifs appropriate (il ya quatres Co-operative Appropriate) avec le sûrpluses recicyled de les co-opertives en mârche au la 'Common Purse'/'Le Sac Communal'.

Dis-attach l'incomes du travaille avec les besoins necessaire: un income vivant pour tous crêe par la Communitie et l'income du travaille pour leurs qui prefére á un maximum dérerminé par un process social, annuelle dêtermine.

Par fois crée un Co-operative Commonwealth national pour each pays et un Co-operative Comonweal global.

Tous les Co-operatives Commonwealth et Commonweal activée par l'orientation 'Pour le bien commune/ For The Common Good.

John Courtneidge

Monday, July 12, 2021

A Thousand Years and Beyond

 Not corrected, but:


once upon a time there was a country which we now call England 500 years before that time 

a Roman army had left and so the occupation of those islands and areas was nowton end. 

in that 500 years people recently used to decide to call it the Dark Ages in reality It wasn't dark at all. But it was open to invasion. And so in 1066. an army along with its bankers from rule 

attacked that place which we now call England leads by man call William 

He was successful in his fight. and so 

collected the rents that would you from all of the places in England into his coffers he clearly was a very rich man because his third son to whom. He could not leave either Normandy or England was allowed at his deathbed to have £7,000 in Silver a considerable sum of money even today. 

After his victory William made sure that's there was a list of all of the rents that his Thievery or rather conquest provided. that list is called the Domesday Book 

gradually over time those rents from the land in the place that we now call, England Were accumulating. 

such that by 15457 king or chief mafia leader call Henry VIII was in Dire Straits 

his problem was that his father Henry I had a very very successful tax collecting arrangement. In essence his tax collectors said to the landowners we want tax from you. The landowner Myers said I'm too poor to give you tax so you must go away at which point the tax collector would say no you clearly have shifted the money away somewhere so we're going to take all that we want from you if on the other hand down the said ok. It's alright. I will pay the tax the tax collector would say in which case you clearly have shifted money away and have more money that you can pay so we increase your tax and was therefore successful in collecting tax his son Henry VIII was not successful. In fact Henry was a spendthrift. He had many wives he had many wars none of which were profitable. So in 1545 he went to the people who had the money and by then that money was stored in the city of London said lend me some money so the silk and independence as they will later called said to Henry VIII ok. That's alright. We will lend you the money but you have to legalize the charging of interest on our loans because at the moment the charging interest on loans the pain of interest on loans the receipt of interest on loans is all illegal. It's called usury and it's been called that in the Bible both in the Old Testament and the Old Testament and we don't like it because we'll Interest collection we don't like being called use yours, so will be called finanzas. Yes, that's a good name will be called financia because we will help the country on its feet so that no one is in poverty ever again. some hope 

500 years past the burden of paying interest on lent money the burden of paying rent on land and buildings that are owned was such that people thought we need some sort of way of getting money, so that we can pay for an interest. I know they thought. Will set up a business it will be a profitable business and from the profits. We will be able to pay the rent and the interest and have a fat living for ourselves has meant. 

But the planet has become trashed and turned into a toilet for all of the pollution that business produces was at that time. Not a problem. Or at least not a problem that anybody with any power had anything to do with so pollution grow has capitalism grow. 

The word capitalism was invented at about this time as was the word socialism by the early co-operators in that same country England the early co-operators also use the word socialism and corporation interchangeably. Because they realised that true corporation is true socialism because everybody benefits. 

Now here we are. 

1000 years after the invasion of 1066 500 years after the legalisation of usually in 1545 and the planet is in Dire Straits as are we all So much so that the government's in the Global north west are now injecting their own people with poisonous, so that those same people become infertile and gradually die of. This isn't in fact fantasy or a conspiracy theory. It's simply a fact the United States national institutes of health was held to account over this by the Pope in the 1970s and the 1980s when they were forced to admit that they were poisoning the people in Latin America so that those people would not have more babies the Pope wanted more babies because more babies equals more money in the churches collection box. but the capitalists in the United States didn't want more babies in Latin America for fear that they would walk across into the United States and push the local people out of jobs. 

So here we are. in a catastrophic time But a time when with that 500 year cycle. We need to change the capitalists have come up with a plan that plan is called the great reset or stakeholder capitalism and the idea of that plan is to kill off most of the poor people in the world leaving only about 500 mi

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Co-option or Co-operation

 The key word here is that the word 'socialism' was invented by the early co-operators, who used the words 'socialism' and 'co-operation' interchangeably.

It is my contention that Karl Marx and his aristocratic wife, Jenny, and their capitalist backer, Fredrich Engles, were 'parachuted' into London, just as were Lenin and Trotsky into Revolutionary Russia.

All to co-opt true socialism.

Thus the Marxists still speak of 'communism', which its not, and 'socialism', which, is also a co-option.

If we know this history (of co-option) we might be able to avoid it.


Thank-you, all, for engaging in this.

For true freedom, through equality and diversity,


Capitalism is


My preference as a definition is:

'Capitalism is: the Use of Money to Get, Retain and Accumulate More Money, by using (Usury) of the 'Ownership' (Theft) of Economic Resources as Land, The Law and Intellectual-'Property' to extract Rent, Interest and Profits-to-Shareholders.


Capitalism = Theft + Usury'

The problem, exactly as you describe and which the board game of Monopoly was invented to show is that Capktalism leads to the Tyranny called Plutocracy.

And, since Plutocracy is Inequality, it is injurious to everyone, Planet Earth and our co-inhabitants included.

Visually this very easily demonstrated.

If you hold out in front of you your two hands, palm down and fingers pointing at one-another, you have a representaion of freedom.

If you then move one hand up and the other down, you have a visual representation of 'Not-Freedom' ie Tyranny.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Love and Truth

 They have to be losing: that which has a start always has an end, since only that which is eternal is eternal.

Truth exists, lies perish.

The important thing is that we are now fully conversant with what Truth is.

It is that which Love produces.

But evil, for the immediate present has the upper hand.


Hence the term 'Human Resources'.

The blessing, however, is that a) we know b) they know we know and c) we know what the answer is: see Tony (Gosling)'s interview, 'Reform The City of London' on YouTube.

Monday, June 28, 2021

As It Happened

 TruTV video


Thus it wasn't 'The British Empire' or, now, 'The American Empire', or the 'Chinese Empire', next.

It has been, since the invention of money and usury, or before that the invention of 'Private Property' in land, and war to 'secure' land, The Power Empire'.

Then it was the Ownersip of Land and Weapons (Tribalism/Feudalism).

Now it's the 'Ownership' (Theft) of the 'Money, Banking, Finance and Usury and Credit Issuance' system.

To take an example, I have been told that, during the First World War, that system, based in The City of London, refused to finance 'The British Empire's armies.

Accordingly, 'The British Empires's Treaury at Westminster decided to print (literally) its own money, the Bradbury Notes.

Once that war was over, all Bradbury Notes were, I am told, withdrawn from circulation and the *commercially* printed banknotes issued by the *commercially, privately owned* Bank of England, established as a commercial monopoly in 1694, once again as before that 'Great War'.

In 'peacetime': Capitalist Business as usual:

   Ie, Theft, Rent, Interest, Profits-to-shareholders and Unequal-pay for work (the five TRIP-Up mechanisms).

It is noteworthy that the Balfour 'Declaration' letter was drafted, written and signed while that war was underway.

Pps the intimate connection between English, then British, 'Kings is itself fascinating: Henry VIII, for example, first made Usury legal, in 1545, with his Act 'In Retraint of Usury'.

Brown-noser 'historians', like 'Sir' David Starkey, never mention this.

Nor that the 'Glorious Revolution' by invasion, via Brixham in Devon in November 1688 that the Amsterdam/Antwep/Bruge/Rouen/etc Banking Conspiracy used (see to install /impose King William II And Mary onto the United Kingdom Throne of England and Scotland (strictly, Scotland and England, from the Stuarts onwards).

And hence the monopoly imposition of The Bank of England in London upon England and Wales (Scottish Banks still issue their own Banknotes . . .).

For our relevant activism, please visit:

And our Parliamentary supporters via:


Money Talks

It says,

I want, I want, I want.

People say,

We need, we need, we need.

Which voice shall be heard?

John Courtneidge


 28 June 2021

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

The Plan for Freedom

 Spot on: that's why I propose to debate, adopt, promote, to implementation ans Annually Audit our plan for freedom.

The plan for Co-operative Socialism.

In five sessions, based on the No More TRIP-Up analysis:

1) Our Aims, Objectives and Philosopy, 'Co-operative Careship not 'Ownership'. An end to Theft and Tax (T),

2) Land Issues: no Rent (R), including our International Obligations, Responsibilites and Opportunities as an autonomous UK Co-operative Commonwealth to a global Co-operative Commonweal,

3) Money, Banking and Finance Issues: no more Usury, though Interest-charging (Hence I in No more TRIP-Up)

4) Workplace, Data, Information and Knowledge Issues: No Profits-to-Shareholders (P),

5) Income Issues: No more Income Inequity and a Socially-determined Income distribution (ie covering Unequal-pay and Inequitable Incomes: the Up in No More TRIP-Up.

Apologies for compressing twenty-seven years activism into one posting!

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

UKSCS 2021 Conference Paper Abstract



'Co-operative Movement or Co-operative Sector?

     - Our Aims and Objectives as Co-operators,     
    - Contemporary Contradictions and Coherences
    - Through an historical appraisal.'


In my UKSCS 2020 Conference Paper, I highlighted the fact that the apparently first example of Economic Co-operation to supply human material needs (and, perhaps human social needs), occurred one hundred, or so, years before the better known examples at Rochdale, Ralaheine, New Lanark, Fenwick, etc, etc.

That earliest network, on the southern shore of the Thames Estuary, centred on the Royal Dockyard at Woolwich, might be seen as a proto-typical example of a 'Co-operative Sector' within a largely Monarchical/Feudalist/Capitalist Society and Associated Economy.

By contrast, by the late Nineteenth Century, the Co-operative Socialist Alternative to that Monarchist, etc, hegemony was seen, not as a sector within that hegemony, or a niche alternative to it, but as a replacement for it: a whole system replacement of that hegemon.

That alternative, which its proponents termed, variously, 'A Co-operative Commonweath' and/or 'The Co-operative Commonweal', has urgent implications for human society, today.

This paper points to the contemporary relationship between this 'Sector/Movement' distinction: especially in relation to Post-Covid 'Pandemic' life and to the present process of the 'ICA Statement' iteration.

John Courtneidge

Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 5NJ

16 June 2021

0795 099 6418