How to achieve change:
The two problems that I have encountered over fify-five years' involvement with groups trying to produce beneficial change is that organisations are rarely clear on what they want, apart from, 'Not this' and often not even with the rider, 'And something better'. That was as far as Occupy got (even though two Occupy Working Groups remain active - the Occupy London/LSX Economics' Working Group and the Occupy Democracy Group.
That said, what-ever the membership proposes is always diluted, ignored and/or co-opted by the status quo's, infiltrated, Praetorian Guard.
Again, that said, beneficial change *does* occur through a combination of the Politics of Protest, the Politics of Practical Demonstration and the Politics of Proposition, along with 'Proposition's Long March Through The System'.
I suggest that one way - perhaps the only way - that the latter works is when a majority *within* The Praetorian Guard want it to happen.
(As a case study (the details of which I don't know, and which I offer as a test-bed for learning) was the abolition of designated carriages for smokers on the Underground trains in London.)
So, yes, the agents of the status quo will always co-opt any organisation.
But one way of coping with co-option is to continuously 'move the flag further out', so that what was originally-proposed becomes normative, as the cutting egde of 'The Domain of Fashion' gets dragged forward.
Keith Joseph did that, in a reactionary sense as the prelude to Thatcherism and neo-liberalism.
XR could do the same . . .
. . . But in respect of ecological restoration.
Through Co-operative Socialism.
But, to do that, XR has to adopt and promote the living plan for Co-operative Socialism.
Which, I so propose!
I hope this helps.
Very best wishes,
John Courtneidge
The two problems that I have encountered over fify-five years' involvement with groups trying to produce beneficial change is that organisations are rarely clear on what they want, apart from, 'Not this' and often not even with the rider, 'And something better'. That was as far as Occupy got (even though two Occupy Working Groups remain active - the Occupy London/LSX Economics' Working Group and the Occupy Democracy Group.
That said, what-ever the membership proposes is always diluted, ignored and/or co-opted by the status quo's, infiltrated, Praetorian Guard.
Again, that said, beneficial change *does* occur through a combination of the Politics of Protest, the Politics of Practical Demonstration and the Politics of Proposition, along with 'Proposition's Long March Through The System'.
I suggest that one way - perhaps the only way - that the latter works is when a majority *within* The Praetorian Guard want it to happen.
(As a case study (the details of which I don't know, and which I offer as a test-bed for learning) was the abolition of designated carriages for smokers on the Underground trains in London.)
So, yes, the agents of the status quo will always co-opt any organisation.
But one way of coping with co-option is to continuously 'move the flag further out', so that what was originally-proposed becomes normative, as the cutting egde of 'The Domain of Fashion' gets dragged forward.
Keith Joseph did that, in a reactionary sense as the prelude to Thatcherism and neo-liberalism.
XR could do the same . . .
. . . But in respect of ecological restoration.
Through Co-operative Socialism.
But, to do that, XR has to adopt and promote the living plan for Co-operative Socialism.
Which, I so propose!
I hope this helps.
Very best wishes,
John Courtneidge
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