Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Some key terminology

A small, but I consider, key aspect to terminology.

In our Fair World Project's living plan for Co-operative Socialism, we value the term, 'Co-operative Careship: a) because 'care' is a verb b) because the term 'Co-operative' implies conformity with the Co-operative 'Definition, Values and Principles' as agreed, from time-to-time by co-operators, globally (see the ICA Statement at

Thus in this Ecological Assessment process, as described we are seeing better that a set of *collaborative* relationships: rather, we are seeing *Co-operative* Careship at work.

The supportive evidence is Principle 7 in the ICA Statement (ICA= Intetnational Co-operative Alliance). Thus, Principle 7, if I tecall the wording correctly:

'Co-operatives carry out practices, approved by their membership, for the sustainable well-being of their communities.'

The plural, I suggest, to that last word, includes the soil communities, both flora and micro- , macro- and intermediate-fauna.

Thank-you fir this work, Savory Institute and friends, Alan Savory included.

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