Wednesday, November 27, 2019

What *is* Co-operative Socialism?

What *is* The Plan for Co-operative Socialism?

I've been asked.


In essence the plan proposes conversion of all workplaces into appropriate co-operatives.

An end to rent, interest and profits-to-shareholders

The replacement of Ownership of Economic Resources with time-limited, not-transferable 'Co-operative Careship' contracts with the Community

A money, banking and finance system that is interest-free, not-for-profit, co-operative and 'For The Common Good': both nationally and locally; and internationally

A guaranteed Living Income for Everyone: not means' tested and suplemented, if workers so decide, with Paid-work Income up to and not beyond a Socially-determined maximum

This, therefore, reders personal taxation unnecessary

A gradual reduction in the need for money: by making more and more goods and services 'Community Provided and Free-at-the-point of-use'

There are videos and a radio interview on YouTube and reading materials at

I hope this helps!

Please share.


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