Wednesday, November 27, 2019

What to do next

What to do next . . .

The system of capitalism is so binary (ie those that exploit versus those who are exploited) first-past the post is best.

That said, the fly in the ointment are the 10% of families that constitute the exploiters' 'Praetorian Guard' in my 2:10:88 analysis:

   2% of families are 'the capitalists', 10% are their Praetorian Guard while we, the 88% pay Rent, Interest and Profits to the 2% who, then, allow the 10% to tax us in order that they, the 10%, have guaranteed higher-than-us paid-work incomes, perks and pensions.

That 10% will then bully, bribe and brain-wash us, the 88% into complying with the stitch up.

The lack of political education (even by 'working class' organisations such as The Labour Party, the Trades Unions and the Co-operative 'movement') means that, at least half of the 88% don't vote, and, of the reaining 44%, most vote with a lack of clarity.

So the 2% and 10% plus, say 30% of the 88% manage to keep the status quo going.


The solutions that I offer are two-fold: political education to widen and deepen the awareness that a Co-operative Socialist alternative to capitalism is a) beneficial to all and b) feasible.

And, secodly, to repopulate the Second Chamber (the House of Lords here in the UK) on a randomly-selected one per Constituency basis, retiring by thirds and serving for three year terms (once the initial population have served for one year, two years, three years, by lot).

Both may be necessary.

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