Monday, November 4, 2019

This election and some likely outcomes

Time for some courage.

Is any of the following true?

This election and some likely outcomes

As to who might win here, I reckon it's fifty-fifty. Labour will gain votes. Especially since the BBC is anti-Brexit and, so anti-Boris.


a) if the Tories win, Jeremy and John will be toast and Labour will likely become a Remain, Communist-lite irrelevance.

b) If Labour win, it will also become a Communist-lite Remain Party.

But in power.

That will create a puzzle for capitalism: it won't try to sink a Boris-led Brexit if he wins (he's their man) so he'll say,  'See, I told you it wouldn't be a catatrophe.'

And, then, he'll push on with the poor-bashing neocon agenda.

Which would mean the the Labour Remainers will say, 'See, poor people, we told you so: vote for us and, in four years' time we'll reapply for EU Membership (which is what the capitalists want).

Should Labour win, the Remainers will fiddle a Remain, poor people will join right-wing populism and then bloodshed.

Or, before all that, there will, in the next month be a surge for Co-operative Socialism, a Labour and Co-operative government will be elected, then, either they will implement it and capitalism will try to crush us, and The Commonwealth will have to come to our aid.

Or, they won't implement it and there will be riots followed by a Military coup.

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