Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Hoping That I'm Wrong

We fellow true co-operators know, that our Co-operative Alternative to Capitalism (the Co-operative Socialist Alternative to Capitalism) *never* gets air-time in 'The Movement'-not.

When, for example, did you ever hear of a Debate at Co-op Party Conference as to whether our Party should adopt and promote the living plan for Co-operative Socialism?


Not yet!

And, then, wait for the capitalist backlash!

On what terms, I wonder?

And Today's Conspiracy Is?

OK, Lets deal with this conspiracy thing:

The Bilderberger meetings are a good example of the capitalists breathing together: co-inspiring one another, just as we democratic and co-operative socialists co-inspire one another.

It's called solidarity: solidarity among the supporters of capitalism (say at the City of London's Guildhall and its puppet, the Royal Institute for/of International Affairs, the RIIA, at St James Square just off Pall Mall: just look at their Corporate membership list: from the BBC, through The Guardian, to Shell, etc, etc).

As Gary Allan says in his book 'None Dare Call It Conspiracy', the conspiracy is to convince us that there is no conspiracy.

So, as the Trade Unions have Congress House, capitalism has its Guildhall, Mansion House, Chatham House (where the RIIA in St James Square is based and which ?instructs? its younger siblings (in New York, for example, the Council on Foreign Relations and, in Canada, which organisation I forget).

Finally, a small book on my bookshelf called 'Conspiracy Theories' (from the same publisher in Hertfordshire that published Robin Ramsey's good book 'New Labour') points out (posits?) that false conspiracies are manufactured and promoted in order to muddy the waters.

In order to obscure the real global conspiracy called capitalism.

Remarkable thing the internet!