Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How we've kept going over Twenty-five Years

How we've kept going over twenty-five years:

My two political principles for twenty-five years (ie since setting up The Fair World Project) are:

1) Don't do anything in secret

It will be dis-covered.

2) Keep moving the flag further out

Ie, place your propodal just ahead of the where the Progressives are and call them to it.

Then, move your offer one step on from there, again and again.

That way, the initial proposal (which was *not*, then, 'In the domain of fashion, becomes normative (just as our earlier Campaign for Interest-free Money has now become).

I hope this helps.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

simple, really!


But, sometimes simple=correct.

As in, greater equality is good for everyone.


You cannot have capitalism *and* peace.


The answer is Co-operative Socialism.

But: that involves fixing (replacing) *all five* mechanisms that capitalism uses:

Theft, Rent, Interest, Profits-to-shareholders and Unequal-pay-for-work


Sometimes too much complexity is chaos.

Sometimes *enough* complexity is enough!

To create an abundance of diversity and creativity.

(Think 'Chemistry'! One Periodic Table, 100 or so elements, three building blocks (protons, electrons, neutrons), two principles (entropy and enthalpy) fused into one(Gibbs Free Energy) . . . Leads to the entire Universe: All within All. Yee-ha!)

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

A lttle history

When 'I' (re-)started this political work in 1994, I termed it 'The Fair World Project" (since the S-word, Socialism, was verbotten, then).

At some point I came to the conclusion that:

Fairnes  =  Equality  +  Equity

Hence the concept of Socially-Determined Equality/Equity/Fairness/Inequality.


The plan for Co-operative Socialism produces equality and difference/diversity.

While we don't, I think, have much evidence on societies with absolute equality (and, as you say, that's not possible given our genetic dissimilarity) the research outcome is that people in more equal societies are happier, while increased inequality correlates to decreased happiness/increased unhappiness.

www.equalitytrust.org.uk and The Spirit Level cite the research findings.

I hope this helps!

Thanks and best!
