Saturday, August 7, 2021

The New Demonic Nazism


And the US is to blame for allowing this demonic Nazism to have emerged.

We will do better.

It's called a Global Co-operative Commonweal.

Or, in our comrade and fellow co-operator's words 'The Kingdom of Heaven'.

'Let those that have ears to hear, Hear!'

Reference: The Gospel of Thomas', Richard Valantasis, Routledge.

Happy First Day, all!

Thursday, August 5, 2021

The New (Old) Feudalism


Some short while back, I recall legislation that said that we no longer own our own bodies and that our bodies are now owned by the Government.

If that rcollection is correct, then the Government can do whatever it likes with any body.

Not anybody's body, *their* body, the State's property.

Accordingly, as with Margaret Thatcher's treatment of State-owned assets, each one of us is now 'For Sale'.

QED, The New (Old) Feudalism.

Just as The Conservative (Feudal) Party always intended.