Sunday, April 25, 2021

St George's Day, Hyde Park, London, 24th April 2021.

 St George's Day, Hyde Park, London, 24th April 2021.

Shame on Sadiq Khan, Priti Patel, Boris Johnson, Keir Starmer, the BO, 'Lord' Peter Mandleson, David Evans, Tory Bliar, Gordon-the-berk Brown, Margaret Hodge and Cressida Dick for putting these Police-men and -women in harms way.

No wonder that the Terrorists'Support Group (TSG) were speeding north up Park Lane's bus lane as we were leaving.

Well done our peaceful protesters protecting freedom-through-equality and, thus peace-through democracy.

Don't let the Satanists sterilise your girls and young women!

And where were the #fakeleft, the élite, capitalism-funded #hobbyprotesters XR, BLM, SWP, SP, ETC, ETC. #QUISLINGS all!

Thursday, April 22, 2021

RIP The Labour Party

 RIP The Labour Party.

It's over: the weaponisation of Expulsion-without-hearing-or-appeal makes it so.

Since any challenge will be met with instant expulsion.


Stress and Mental Illness

Stress and Mental Illness

John Courtneidge

2:30am Friday 23rd April 2021, Littlehampton

 It occurs to me that it's the people-who-need-people (those of us who are principally extraverts as in Hans Eysenk's Extraversion/Intraversion scale) that are most vulnerable in this Capitalism/Lockdown/Lock-in Confinement 

Vulnerable to mental-distress and -illness, due to loss of contect with, and esteem-approval of, other people: since that's how extraverts get their sense of self-worth.

Now, we know that Increasing Income Inequality increases illness, generally, and mental not-wellness included.

The evidence for this is included in 'The Spirit Level' and its sequel, 'The Inner Level'.

So, we are all on that E/I scale.

I'm 50/50 Extravert/Intravert (or was when I did the test aways back).

So I can tolerate people for only so much of the time.

But Hans Eysenk's E/I definitions regarding individuals' Self Esteem and Wellness suggest, once again, that Capitalism is the problem and that #truesocialism is the answer.

Because Capitalism is #Stress, while #truesocialism is #destress though equality.

Ie, equality lessens #distress.

QED: implementing our living, loving plan for #truesocialism (Co-operative Socialism) is, once again, the answer.

Ps a very nice page: includes QEF and humour (humor: grrr!)

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Where We Have Been Placed, Now

Like some readers, here, I was puzzled that the notice to the effect that I to be silenced for thirty days had not proved to be the case.

The notice to that effect came after I posted s video of Dolores Cahill speaking about some recent aspect of this Capitalist Zionist Satanic Oligarchs Eugenicists' scam.

Now, we must accept that all 'Social' Media are owned by that Capitalist Zionist Satanic Oligarchs Eugenicist Plutocracy and, so, this is Their Front Room, not mine.

Nor, indeed, 'Ours'.

Thus, the 'Community Standards' of which they speak are the exact equal of the 'Human Rights and Freedoms' that the (Neo) Liberal Nazis speak, quoting Hume, Locke, Paine, Adam Smith, Hayek and the other 'Austrians' such as Milton Friedman.

They are not 'Rights and Freedoms'.

They are Permissions.

'Social' Permissions.

'Social' in the sense, as Adam Smith observed, of the Conspiracy Against The Public that they are anti-Social: impositions Authorised by the Capitalists Zionists Satanists Child Abducters Nomklatura Conspiracy as, for example, articulated by the World Economic Forum and The Guildhall/Mansion House Conspiracy in their City.

Of London.

That Conspiracy has scammed us for Five Hundred Years (since Usury was 'legalised' at Their Insistence by the cash-strapped 'King' Henry VIII, in 1545).

Such Permissions are 'Capable' of being Added To (such as The 'Right' to Buy one's Council House) or Taken Away (such as the 'Right' to cuddle ones' Parents, Grandparents, Grandchildren, and so on: to say nothing of the 'Rights' to Free Speech, Freedom of Protest, any Freedom of Association, or Of Worship, or of Political Proposition).

According to the same Conspirators Nazi diktat.

So, we have been shown - Forcefully Shown by The Terrorists'Support Group, the TSG - that the only 'Freedom', now, is 'The Freedom to Comply'.

Such as The Freedom to Not Post a Video featuring Dolores Cahill.

Time, therefore to Claim the Right and Freedom to propose a Needs-based Politics (rather than the #fakepolitics of Human 'Rights And Freedoms').

And, hence, the living loving plan for Co-operative Socialism #truesocialism .

Now twenty-six years' new.

Who says that planning ahead doesn't pay . . . !

Thanks be to God!

It does!

In His Name.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

My Labour Party Expulsion Story

 John Courtneidge 10 April 2021

I was expelled from The Labour Party on 10th February 2020, along with a batch of about two dozen others, all unknown to me.

There was no hearing, no appeal and no permission to re-apply 'within seven years' and, then 'only in exceptional circumstances.

The grounds for the expulsion was notified to me a year earlier, that some of my Facebook posts (about Zionism ) were considered anti-Semitic: which they were not, and to which I lodged a request for a Hearing.

That request for a Hearing was accepted and an offer to attend was made in March 2019, with the condition that I would not be allowed to call witnesses, and with only a 'Silent Friend' present at my side. I accepted that offer and conditions and my fellow Labour Action for Peace ('LAP') Executive Committee friend, Colin Bastin, agreed to act as my Silent Friend.

In the meantime, about two dozen friends wrote to The Labour Party: contesting the charge of anti-Semitism, and declaring, very kindly, their support.

The Labour Party, then, reneged on their offer.

Instead, it changed the Disciplinary Rules and Procedure at its September 2019 Annual Conference (in Brighton, where I was working on the LAP Stall, jointly with Uniting for Peace and Justice), so that a Discipline Sub-Committee could recommend Expulsion-without-Hearing if it so wished.

And the NEC accepted.

Hence my expulsion on 10th February 2020, as detailed above: no Hearing, no Appeal, no permission to re-apply for Membership inside seven years and then . . .

The news of this block of appeals was only made public in The Jewish Chronicle on the following day, Wednesday 11th February 2020, with a reference to that in The Huffington Post a few days' later.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Feminism and Other Lies

 Feminism: profoundly poisonous guff:

#fakepolitics as a means of continuing with Capitalism/Zionism/Satanism.

Any time that someone raises Identity Politics you know that they are inflaming, easily inflaming, intra-economic-class warfare.

The true analysis of power and, thus, of politics is economic status: landlord and tenant, usurer and debtor, business owner and worked peon, policeman and citizen, King and Subject, Queen and Subject, Tribal Chief and Oik.

The solution, the #truepolitics, therefore is the adoption and implementation of #trueequality through #truesocialism.

By the adoption and implementation of our living, loving plan for true Co-operative Socialism