Monday, July 26, 2021

Better Than Capitalism


It is also my understanding from some-one else's FOI Requests to the CDC in the US, that *no* viruses have ever been isolated and characterised.

Thus, and this is the basis of all science, that, from the evidence that has been collected, the conjecture that viruses exist is just that, conjecture.

Thus, to claim that an apparently new upper respiratory illness, named from the year of its first appearance, 2019, and *conjectured* to be a virus related to the claimed earlier 'virus', SAR-COV-1, and named, *in a preliminary way* 'Covid-19' (see the Director of the WHO's Press and Media interviews of February and March 2019), is preposterous in the political way to which it has subsequently been put.

The mere facts that the 2014 TV Interview of Harry Vox whistle-blew the 2010 Rockerfeller Foundation's 2010 'Scenarios' document *and* that on 19th March 2019 *based on the evidence of low infectiousness and low death-rate* associated with this new Covid-19 illness (see the website) *and!* that *on the same day, 19th March 2019, the UK's Neo-Conservative Capitalist, Prime Minister Alexander Boris d'Pffeffle Johnson, announced *the exact opposite assertion as to the threat posed by Covid-19* shows the *Political, Eugenisists' intent* in using (or, even, as suggested by others, *initiating*) this event.

Time, therefore, for a Statement of Alternative Politics, Economics, etc, that we will start to produce.

Tomorrow, 3pm, Tuesday 27th July 2021, Parliament Square (rain venue, Central Hall Westminster, close by).

Starting with an experiential set of exercises, 'What Are Our Values?'

Thursday, July 22, 2021

The Necessary Timetable

Our people are not of the #fakeleft and #hobbyprotesters

Monday's actions, on the 19th July 2021, tell us that our people know where the Power Lies and Power Lays: in The Palace of Westminster.

Accordingly our political demand must be a rapid system evolution:

1) To replace the membership of The House of Lords with a randomly-selected, one-per Parliamentary Constituency basis, serving for Three Years, retiring by Thirds thereafter. To determine a) a recommendation to the Lower House the £-level of a Living Income for Everyone and b) a £-level for a maximum Paid-work income: to produce a much more nearly income-equal UK;

2) For the Lower House, The House of Commons, to debate our plan for Co-operative Socialism starting on 1st December 2021,in order to put its views to the Electorate in a General Election that will be held on the first Thursday in May 2022.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

What Jesus Says About Money and Capitalism

 Tonight's nourishment: Thomas 64 and 95 and comparisons to the three Synoptic Gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke*.

See the papers' section at

Ps there is a nice correlation table at the Parables of Jesus on Wikipedia.

* Direct link:

A Poem: 'God Is Good'

 A Poem: 

'God Is Good'

God is good,

They say,

And Evil, bad.

But, upon reflection,

I see,

That Good is God,

And Selfishness,

The Very Devil.

Ps for the word 'Devil' one might substitute the word 'Satan'.

En Français: Le Plan Socialist et Co-operatif!

 Co-operative Socialism, Le plan:

Abolisons la Rent, L'Interes, Les Profits-à-Shareholders

Et les taxes personells et au les achâts

Convir tous les places de trâvialle comme les co-operatifs appropriate (il ya quatres Co-operative Appropriate) avec le sûrpluses recicyled de les co-opertives en mârche au la 'Common Purse'/'Le Sac Communal'.

Dis-attach l'incomes du travaille avec les besoins necessaire: un income vivant pour tous crêe par la Communitie et l'income du travaille pour leurs qui prefére á un maximum dérerminé par un process social, annuelle dêtermine.

Par fois crée un Co-operative Commonwealth national pour each pays et un Co-operative Comonweal global.

Tous les Co-operatives Commonwealth et Commonweal activée par l'orientation 'Pour le bien commune/ For The Common Good.

John Courtneidge

Monday, July 12, 2021

A Thousand Years and Beyond

 Not corrected, but:


once upon a time there was a country which we now call England 500 years before that time 

a Roman army had left and so the occupation of those islands and areas was nowton end. 

in that 500 years people recently used to decide to call it the Dark Ages in reality It wasn't dark at all. But it was open to invasion. And so in 1066. an army along with its bankers from rule 

attacked that place which we now call England leads by man call William 

He was successful in his fight. and so 

collected the rents that would you from all of the places in England into his coffers he clearly was a very rich man because his third son to whom. He could not leave either Normandy or England was allowed at his deathbed to have £7,000 in Silver a considerable sum of money even today. 

After his victory William made sure that's there was a list of all of the rents that his Thievery or rather conquest provided. that list is called the Domesday Book 

gradually over time those rents from the land in the place that we now call, England Were accumulating. 

such that by 15457 king or chief mafia leader call Henry VIII was in Dire Straits 

his problem was that his father Henry I had a very very successful tax collecting arrangement. In essence his tax collectors said to the landowners we want tax from you. The landowner Myers said I'm too poor to give you tax so you must go away at which point the tax collector would say no you clearly have shifted the money away somewhere so we're going to take all that we want from you if on the other hand down the said ok. It's alright. I will pay the tax the tax collector would say in which case you clearly have shifted money away and have more money that you can pay so we increase your tax and was therefore successful in collecting tax his son Henry VIII was not successful. In fact Henry was a spendthrift. He had many wives he had many wars none of which were profitable. So in 1545 he went to the people who had the money and by then that money was stored in the city of London said lend me some money so the silk and independence as they will later called said to Henry VIII ok. That's alright. We will lend you the money but you have to legalize the charging of interest on our loans because at the moment the charging interest on loans the pain of interest on loans the receipt of interest on loans is all illegal. It's called usury and it's been called that in the Bible both in the Old Testament and the Old Testament and we don't like it because we'll Interest collection we don't like being called use yours, so will be called finanzas. Yes, that's a good name will be called financia because we will help the country on its feet so that no one is in poverty ever again. some hope 

500 years past the burden of paying interest on lent money the burden of paying rent on land and buildings that are owned was such that people thought we need some sort of way of getting money, so that we can pay for an interest. I know they thought. Will set up a business it will be a profitable business and from the profits. We will be able to pay the rent and the interest and have a fat living for ourselves has meant. 

But the planet has become trashed and turned into a toilet for all of the pollution that business produces was at that time. Not a problem. Or at least not a problem that anybody with any power had anything to do with so pollution grow has capitalism grow. 

The word capitalism was invented at about this time as was the word socialism by the early co-operators in that same country England the early co-operators also use the word socialism and corporation interchangeably. Because they realised that true corporation is true socialism because everybody benefits. 

Now here we are. 

1000 years after the invasion of 1066 500 years after the legalisation of usually in 1545 and the planet is in Dire Straits as are we all So much so that the government's in the Global north west are now injecting their own people with poisonous, so that those same people become infertile and gradually die of. This isn't in fact fantasy or a conspiracy theory. It's simply a fact the United States national institutes of health was held to account over this by the Pope in the 1970s and the 1980s when they were forced to admit that they were poisoning the people in Latin America so that those people would not have more babies the Pope wanted more babies because more babies equals more money in the churches collection box. but the capitalists in the United States didn't want more babies in Latin America for fear that they would walk across into the United States and push the local people out of jobs. 

So here we are. in a catastrophic time But a time when with that 500 year cycle. We need to change the capitalists have come up with a plan that plan is called the great reset or stakeholder capitalism and the idea of that plan is to kill off most of the poor people in the world leaving only about 500 mi

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Co-option or Co-operation

 The key word here is that the word 'socialism' was invented by the early co-operators, who used the words 'socialism' and 'co-operation' interchangeably.

It is my contention that Karl Marx and his aristocratic wife, Jenny, and their capitalist backer, Fredrich Engles, were 'parachuted' into London, just as were Lenin and Trotsky into Revolutionary Russia.

All to co-opt true socialism.

Thus the Marxists still speak of 'communism', which its not, and 'socialism', which, is also a co-option.

If we know this history (of co-option) we might be able to avoid it.


Thank-you, all, for engaging in this.

For true freedom, through equality and diversity,


Capitalism is


My preference as a definition is:

'Capitalism is: the Use of Money to Get, Retain and Accumulate More Money, by using (Usury) of the 'Ownership' (Theft) of Economic Resources as Land, The Law and Intellectual-'Property' to extract Rent, Interest and Profits-to-Shareholders.


Capitalism = Theft + Usury'

The problem, exactly as you describe and which the board game of Monopoly was invented to show is that Capktalism leads to the Tyranny called Plutocracy.

And, since Plutocracy is Inequality, it is injurious to everyone, Planet Earth and our co-inhabitants included.

Visually this very easily demonstrated.

If you hold out in front of you your two hands, palm down and fingers pointing at one-another, you have a representaion of freedom.

If you then move one hand up and the other down, you have a visual representation of 'Not-Freedom' ie Tyranny.