Sunday, February 28, 2021

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Co-operative Socialism and Work: The Nuts and Bolts.

 Co-operative Socialism and Work: The Nuts and Bolts.

So, The Living, Loving Plan for Co-operative Socialism envisages that all work is, properly, a Contribution to The Common Good.

Not, as at present, a Contribution to Selfishness.

According, that plan envisages that the maximised diversity of Workplaces be operating according to The Co-operative Values and Principles, as periodically-updated, democratically, via The Statement on The Co-operative Identity by the International Co-operative Alliance (The ICA).

(Incidentally, The ICA is the Organisation that Globalised Capitalism Zionism Satanism etc is actively corrupting. The individuals who have been doing that corruption know that I know who they are: their next move is to take out all the Socialist Values and Principles from The ICA Statement On The Co-operative Identity: a copy of which is in the papers' section at Finding That Statement on the heavily-corrupted ICA website is hard work: as expected from that invidious corruption.)

So, back to the nature of all workplaces in a true Co-operative Socialist Commonwealth:

There are four types of workplace: Two Types that require financial support from The Community (as long, that is, that Society sees the need to use money: a truly Socialist World had no need of that unhelpful Human Imposition).

In a Co-operative Socialist Commonwealth, I term those such workplaces 'The Solidarity Economy' (L''Economié Solidairé to borrow the Quebecois term).

In that Solidarity Economy, the two sorts of workplaces will be Monopoly Solidarity Co-operatives, organised as 'Community Co-operatives' where a diversity of provision makes no sense and Worker Co-operatives where a diversity of provision provides the better option.

(Incidentally, for those of us who find working, directly, with others distasteful, unhelpful or down-right, at present, hateful, remember that everyone will, as long as money is still being used, be in receipt of a guaranteed, not-means-tested, 'Living Income For Everyone': a LIFE For All, so they will be able to make their Contribution, according to their own lights, to The Common Good.)

Now, the other two types of workplaces will be, again, appropriate Co-operatives; together forming L''Economié Social: The Co-operative Social Economy.

(Note the necessary-at-present extra addition of the Co-operative word in the term 'The Co-operative Social Economy': those Quislings for Capitalism have been both conflating the Social and Solidarity Economie*s* into A (!) - singular! - Social and Solidarity Economy which they position in the margins of, and dependent upon, but contributing to (!), The Continuation if The Capitalists' Imposition and Exploitation. Grrr!)

So, again there will be Monopoly-Sector Social Economy Co-operatives operating as Community Co-operatives (not Consumer Co-operatives) and a Diversity-of-Provision Co-operative Social Economy; which, as in The Solidarity Economy, will form a market-place of Worker Co-operatives.

Now, the distinction between this Co-operative Social Economy and the Solidarity Economy us that, while all the Solidarity Co-operatives will need financial support from the Community (via The Common Purse), the Social Economy Co-operatives will be generating 'Financial Surpluses' by virtue of their market operations and price-charging.

(Under Capitalism's Iron Heel if Oppression and Exploitation, such Financial Surpluses are called 'Profits', which along with the other Illegal Exactions of Rent and Interest are distributed to Capitalist 'Shareholders' - Thieves - as Dividends. In a true Co-operative Commonwealth, operating as a Co-operative Commonweal, such distributions will disappear: The Common Purse being used, instead, to provide Working Capital to Co-operatives and Living Incomes to Everyone: LIFE For All.)

If all this sounds like a pipe-dream, the dreamers could, if they wish do Computer Modelling, using, say, Steve Keen's program.

Or better, they could share this article.

Which I hope everyone that has got this far will choose to do.

Very best wishes to all,

John Courtneidge

Littlehampton, Monday morning, 1st March 2021

Monday, February 22, 2021

Work: Effort applied to Difficulty

 When I moved into this flat, in Littlehampton,  (having been externalised (Decanted) from my home in Beckenham, at Coleridge House, in May 2019), I inherited a bathroom without a bath, but with a handbasin, shower and toilet: no mirror or towel rails. No shelves, not even a toilet roll holder.

Such is the 'Minimum Letting Standards' for 'Social' Housing nowadays.

But though, admittedly, better than the, even poorer, standards in the 'Private' Rental Sector,.

Where, for example, was the condition, of the Ground Floor Flat at 13 North Road, Hertford, which had its rooms on either side of the Common Hallway (!) and which I rented in early 1995: it had no heating in the Bedroom, Kitchen or Bathroom, a measly gas fire in the 'Living' Room and no kitchen fittings in the kitchen, save a sink and a discarded free-standing cupboard (less its top) and a damp and mouldy larder.

(Or was it, two discarded cupboard carcasses?: no worry.)

Anyway, all my efforts to deep-clean this 'new-to-me' toilet, here in Littlehampton, having failed, needed 'the nuclear option'.

On inheritance, it's bowl was lined with a yelliw-greenish deposit, which, if it was limescale, resisted all my milder efforts.

While around the water's edge was a dark brown deposit, that I assumed was iron scale or some such concretion.

So, the final 'nuclear' option involved warming the bowl with a generous amount of hot water, using the revamped shower, then two good glugs of 'Spirits of Salts' (Hydrochloric Acid!), closing the lid, opening the window, closing the door and having a late Sunday morning nap for a few hours

Thereafter, plenty of elbow grease and the toilet brush, followed by copious rinsing, loosened and flushed the scale and iron-stained ring. Not dissolving it, or the limescale, but loosening it.

Hence the elbow grease.

To produce this sparkling item!

Thanks be to God.

And to the Penge Ironmongery shop for selling me those Spirits!

Sunday, February 21, 2021

After Christmas and Easter, The Kingdom

 Not so long ago, we were celebrating the birth of our friend and comrade, Jesus of Nazareth.

Soon, we will be recalling in sadness and gratitude the attempt to murder him.

Or, rather, to have him murdered.

One of the oddities of the present House Arrest us that time had stood still; our lives have become nothing more than the arrival of the recycling truck at 6:45am each day to pick up the discarded glass bottles at the bar/restaurant opposite. Then breakfast, lunch and dinner, laundry and ironing, the weekly dusting and vacuuming: all enlivened with a weekly trip to the grocery store (money permitting), the deferred cleaning projects, as pictured, and waxing and waning of potted, forced spring bulbs.

In times passed, those markers of time passing, Christmas, Easter, Whitsun (Pentecost) and Harvest Festival, allowed all three classes to come together in Worship.

In between, 'The Tolling Bell' across the fields, as my birthday-twin and friend, Anglican Canon Peter Challen, used to remember to us, reminded The Laborores, yoked to their plough (or, rather, the Thieves' plough) that The Horatores (Those who prayed), on behalf of The Belatores (Those who Fought: on behalf of, increasingly, as the paid Mercenaries, of Those Who Preyed upon The work of The Laborores, rather than, as earlier, the actual fighters, The Belatores themselves: witness the fading, dusty Regimental Colours that used to hang from the ceilings of Country Churches and from Cathedrals, still.

Come war-time, Piers Pliwman would give up his Drudgery of The Ceaseless Furrow for three square meals a day, more certain than in the vil, and rusk death and mutilation.

Now, we are dragooned off from the fatuous pursuit of 'stuff' in the shops, or if 'excitement' on The Terraces or The Screen for The Great Boredom of 'Lock-in'.

Often, if Solitary Confinement, 'relieved' as described above, and photographed, earlier.

No more: no weekly Collective Worship, no daily Mass, however, even at remote distances across the fields.

Only Daily Drudgery and Bullying from The Small Screen.


Jesus, of course, offered more.

Just as we celebrate all new life, we, especially celebrate the New Life he described: Our Father's Imperial Rule, The Kingdom of Heaven.

That #truesocialism replaced Theft and Usury, which we now call Capitalism, with Gift and Co-operation: 'What is my, and our, contribution, now that we are fed in advance: just as our Father feeds the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, giving no thought for The Morrow?' Just as the gulls of Littlehampton call out to their friends, '#TheTideHasTurned #TimeForBreakfadtandDinner.

Of course, The Thieves and Usurers *within his own 'Community'* sought to have him murdered (as the three synoptic Gospels record): not at their own hands, the cowards, but by goading the Occupying Powers into attempting to murder him by Crucifixion: an innocent man ( 'I find no fault in him' ) but one who named the Capitalists Zionists Satanists Child Killers (The Thieves and Usurers).

And discomfitted them by telling The Truth.

As then, now.

But not for ever.

In His Holy Name.

John Courtneidge, Littlehampton, Tuesday 22nd February 2021

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Murderous Parasites

 It is the #fakeLeft #hobbyprotestors who are the most persistent opponents of the plan for Co-operative Socialism, #truesocialism. I think that they are #closetcapitalists #playingthestochexchange #playingthemarket

Collecting their Rent, Interest and Profits.

Collecting their Taxation-provided Inflation-proofed perks incomes and pensions.

They are the people who murder Jesus.

Every day of the week.

Sundays, especially.

Murderous Parasites!


Pray for them

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Work Matters Part II: in a Co-operative Commonwealth

 More on work.

And the plan for Co-operative Socialism.

In applied mathematics, work is done when a force moves over a certain distance.

If I recall my A Level in that subject.

A *very* long time ago.

In human terms, it might be suggested that work is done when effort is applied to difficulty.

Indeed, to a generality, work is done when order is created out of chaos: just think of our Bin-men friends, without whose arduous Drudgery, chaos would rapidly engulf us all in illness.

Likewise, The Posties that get my second-hand book purchases to me, along with news of my overdraft. Durn! Bad boy John!

Now, under (literally under its Iron Heel) Capitalism, Work is co-opted, stolen, for the Profit if those who do not work.

They are indifferent to the nature and consequences of that Work - as long as the Profits roll in.


Incidentally, one of the con-sequence-es (or, rather, con-current-sies) is the chaos that is done to the 'rest of' the 'environment' (I use parentheses, since there is no such thing as 'rest of' and 'environment': neither text nor context can live separately 'apart' from one-another.

So, what if work in a world of Co-operative Socialism? In a Co-operative Commonwealth, as part of a Co-operative Commonweal?

More soon.

That smell

John Courtneidge Littlehampton Wednesday 17th February 2021


The problem, however, is this:

The Capitalists Zionists Satanists Child Abducters Eugenicists Conspiracy had now weaponised expulsion from The Labour Party.

Without processes of Hearings and Appeals.

That was inserted into The Labour Party rulebook at its Annual Conference in Brighton in September 2019.

(And which was used to expel two dozen Party Members on 10th February 2020, including me: conveniently just before the first Lockdown/House Arrest in March 2020 when, consequentially and, most likely with prior planning, all subsequent Labour Party 'meetings' were by Zoom.

Under the strict surveillance and control by Regional Office bureaucrats, with oversight by The General Secretary's Stazi: under the instructions of the Mandleson Nazis.

This Plutocratic Cabal, therefore, can expel anyone, instantly who 'Doesn't know their place'.

And that would include anyone who tried to remove the Instant-Expulsion weapon.

So The Labour Party is not so much doomed, as Dead: its rotten carcase being paraded for all to see.

And smell.

The only solution is a non-federated, local pattern of independent, very local organisations that will identify and support to Parliamentary election, Candidates that will implement the plan for #truesocialism by implementing the living loving plan for Co-operative Socialism.

As presently described and adopted.

Be Still and Know That I am Lord

Thanks, Lucy Bee, for prompting this:

The scriptural quotes that Google provided use the word 'God' rather than 'Lord', so I couldn't give a Scriptural reference.

Now, am I, or you, or anyone God?


But the theology that I know experimentally, is that God is present within everything and, thus as John Bellers wrote, is present within all humans (nite the consequential development: sadly the dominating Anti-Theist, Anti-christian, Pro-Capitalist, Pro-Zionist clique that have stolen control of Britain Yearly Meeting of The Religious Society of Friends (Ie The Quakers in Britain) have besmirched this beautiful Truth and replaced it with Self-admiring Atheist 'Spiritual' Humanism-(Not).

Shame on them!

Finally as to 'That of The Devil/Satan/The Darkness (for which refer to the first of the present BYM 'Advices and Queries':

I consider that, while 'That of God, The Creator' is present everywhere in The Creation and was present before The Creation and will be present after 'These Things have Passed Away', The Devil/Satan/The Darkness are present within only one place within the entire Universe:

In the Hearts, Minds and Actions of all Men (and, therefore, all Wo-men).

Hence our *absolute* *need* to be humble:

Possessions possess

Pride becomes proud

Humility humbles

Love loves

God Is.

Be still and know that He is Lord, our God.

The one True God.

Everywhere, all the time, within everything and everyone.

All powerful.

Omnipotent and Omnipresent.

Work Matters, Part 1

I care about:

Bin Workers
Gravediggers, Crematorium staffs, Funeral workers, generally, including Gardeners
Sewage, Sanitation and Clean Water workers
Shop workers
Hospital workers
Ambulance workers
Farm workers
Food shop workers
Food production workers
Restaurant workers
Pub workers
Railway workers
Road repair workers
Bus and bus repair and maintenance workers
Dock and Port workers
Fishery and Forest workers
Posties and all delivery workers
Warehouse workers
Factory workers
Building workers
Repair and Maintenance workers
Chimney sweep workers
All cleaning workers
Disposal and recycling workers
Fire and Rescue Workers
Educational workers
Laboratory workers
Art workers
Poet workers
Solidarity workers
Sex workers
God's workers
And the hardest worked workers of all:
Unemployed workers

Indeed all of the 88%

In other words, those of us who do, or are forced to do the 'd' jobs: the dirty, dangerous, debilitating, despicable, dispiriting, downright degrading jobs.

Now, as to the 10% of workers that form Capitalism's Praetorian Guard (those with, often, jobs beginning with the letter 'P' such as Police and Prison Workers, Popes and Their Pimps, Priests, Prelates, Pedagogues, Publicists, Professional 'Career' Politicians, 'Professionals', Professors of Capitalism, Satanism and Child Rape and other Abuses, Not Prostitutes, of course, Pimps, Predators and Procurers, and so on)?

At present they are taking 'The King's Shilling/The Twenty Pieces of Silver:

From the 2% (or, more accurately, from the Tax that they 'collect'/extort from us, the 88%:


Since the 2% are in the business of Using, Getting and Accumulating Money.


Not giving it away.)

At the permission of the the 2% - The Thieves and Usurers - who extort Rent, Interest and Profits from us, the 88%, as their Unearnt Income: resulting from their Theft and Usury of The Land, The Law and The Knowledge That God Knew Before The Theft.

Time, then for #truesocialism

And hence the living, loving plan for Co-operative Socialism.

For implementation.

By Tuesday!

John Courtneidge, Littlehampton, West Sussex, Wednesday 17th February 2021.

Thanks be to God.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Land Matters and Co-operative Socialism

 Land Matters:

First, I am no fan of LVT: it ends up 'sweating the assets' and, so, ruining the Land's fertility.

The Co-operative Socialist alternative is Co-operative Careship (roughly, 'A Fully Repairing Lease, Plus Remediation'.

As to taxation or expropriation: neither.

The solution is to abolish the 'Ownership' (Ie Theft) if Economic Resources and introduce that concept of Co-operative Careship, time-limited, non-transferable, renewable only by Community Agreement, subject to demonstrable Co-operative Care, through submission if suitable Annual Co-operative Audits.

And rent-free.

Due to not-sweating-the-assets point, above.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

When The Twentieth Century ended and The Twenty-First Century Started

On 'my' Facebook page I finally wrote that I 'Hate the *king Tories'.

That posting was impelled from me by watching clips of the brilliant film, 'Brassed Off'.

That film relates the consequential time after the implementation of The Ridley Plan ( as in the 1978 Ridley Report), in which the Tories plotted  to attack the people of this Country.

Which they did, once elected, the following year, from May 1979 onwards, led by Margaret Hilda Thatcher.

It was the first time, I think, *ever* that a County's Government declared war on its entire population.

I therefore consider it to be one of the most important events of the (formal) Twentieth Century.

And, which, operationally, ended The Twentieth Century.

(Which I consider started in about 1890 with the Strikes in London's East End (Dockers, Beckton Gas Works, Silvers' factory at Silvertown and Bryant and May's Match factory.)

That May 1978 Tory Government (strictly a Liberal Government) started off, in my view, the Twenty-first Century and, thus, ended the Twentieth Century.

We, therefore, are in the middle of the Twenty-first Century: a Century of Draconian Tyranny after that initial Counter Revolution against the Social Democratic (Managed Capitalist, Mixed Economy) 'Welfare'-not State.

How long we allow this Tyranny to continue is moot.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Co-operative Socialism: a Synopsis

 A friend asked me for a synopsis of the plan for Co-operative Socialism.

Here goes:

No Rent, Interest of Profits-to-shareholders: no parasites

All workplaces as appropriate *true* co-operatives: no bosses

A money, banking and finance system that serves The Common Good: interest-free and not-for-profit

Human needs that are Community Provided and free at the point of delivery: #truesocialism

Human wants accessible by means of choice: a not-means-tested guaranteed Living Income for Everyone, plus, for those that wish it, paid-work income up to a socially-determined maximum: both incomes annually reviewed so that *everyone* lives a decent, healthy, happy life

International solidarity through grants not loans and the creation of local and National Co-operative Commonwealths and a global, fraternal, sustainable Co-operative Commonweal.

All by Tuesday!

John Courtneidge , Littlehampton, 10th February 2021


 Our friend, Lucy Bee, asks about this map.

I offered:

This map shows the four personality quadrants and their four political orientations.

The arrow of time is presented as we read a page: from the left-hand side to the right hand side.

The power/hierarchy axis is that which is placed vertically: the Authoritarians at the top, the Experientialists at the lower end.

Similar mappings, such as label thus lower end 'Liberal': I prefer Experiential. Additionally, Political Compass uses the quite arbitrary Left/Right horizontal axis just as it sounds. I prefer the way I offer it since the two quadrants on the left-hand side of the mapping that I offer are Reactionaries, those on the right-hand side are (or claim to be) Progressives.

This particular rendering was/is an attempt to show the turmoil in each quadrant and the blockages for each group.

Along with suggested 'Worm Holes' which might allow each group from their turmoil.

Finally, a twinned pair of comments about Personality Types and this mapping.

First: the True Colours/Personality Dimensions approach (which I like a lot) suggests that each if us are a blend of all four Types/Quadrants and that each Quadrant might have a relationship to four neurochemically active molecules.

Our average position can be manipulated by manipulating those four neurochemicals.

Such as us happening now.

Finally, to there seems to be a 'Rubric's Cube' effect that I can't get to the bottom of, whereby, it seems, the map gets twisted on the vertical axis, such that 'The Liberals' become Authortarian and vice versa.

For more, there is a PDF of a presentation on this that I, much too hurriedly, gave at New Lanark.

It's called, I think, 'Personalities, Politics and Emotions'.

It's in the papers' section at

Again, many thanks for asking.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

For wrangling

In all honesty, as an opener, this, for rebuttal and wrangling:


That women (some women, most women, lots of women, a few women) grizzle for what they want.

Then grizzle about what they don't want.

At first they want love and sex.

But no babies.

Then they want babies, so sex.

Then they want a roof over their head, money in their purses, enough babies to play with.

Then Prosecco, then happy.

Then no sex but money.


Once We Have Been Euthanised

 To the 2%, we, the 88%, are surplus to requirements.

That's the message of Klaus Schwab's two WEF books, 'The Great Reset' and 'Stakeholder Capitalism'.

Bill Gates' plan, therefore, as with his father and fellow Eugenicists, is to reduce the worlds' population by, about 90%.

This means that the 10%, who presently perform the Praetorian Guard rôle for the 2%, by attempting to Bully, Bribe and Brain-bash us, the 88%, into paying Rent, Interest and Profits-to-shareholders to the 2% along with Taxes to pay the Praetorian Guard's higher-than-average incomes and inflation-proofed perks and pensions.

So, to take the UK:

In round figures, the UK Population of, say, 60million comprises about 1.2million individuals in the 2%, or about 350,000 families, or less.

And about 6 million individuals as their Praetorian Guard. Say 1.5 million families dependent upon those Taxes.

If, then, we the 88% are Euthanised, as is the WEF Capitalist Zionist Eugenicists Satanists' plan, then the puzzled is 'What to do with The Praetorian Guard, the Professors, Pimps, Prelates, Popes, Professionals, The Policemen and Prison Guards, The Publicists, Politicians, Judges, Lobbyists and all the other Parasites that make up the 10%?'

They won't be needed as the 2% continue to enjoy 'The Season' of Ascot, Chelsea, The Open, Wimbledon, The Boat Race and so on.

And Pheasant Shoots, Grouse and Partridge murders, Fox 'Hunting' and so on, as Winter Warmers.

So, what to do with the 10% when we, the 88% have all been Euthanised?

Monday, February 1, 2021


 Briefly: humans have four need sets.

Two to maintain the individual self: 'selfish need' sets.

And two 'social need' sets, of which both these social needs sets are in massive deficit.

The 'Intimacy needs' set if these two Social Needs' sets (sex, romance and friendship) have been most heavily decimated in the past four decades.

Exponentially so in this 'pandemic'.