Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Be Still and Know That I am Lord

Thanks, Lucy Bee, for prompting this:

The scriptural quotes that Google provided use the word 'God' rather than 'Lord', so I couldn't give a Scriptural reference.

Now, am I, or you, or anyone God?


But the theology that I know experimentally, is that God is present within everything and, thus as John Bellers wrote, is present within all humans (nite the consequential development: sadly the dominating Anti-Theist, Anti-christian, Pro-Capitalist, Pro-Zionist clique that have stolen control of Britain Yearly Meeting of The Religious Society of Friends (Ie The Quakers in Britain) have besmirched this beautiful Truth and replaced it with Self-admiring Atheist 'Spiritual' Humanism-(Not).

Shame on them!

Finally as to 'That of The Devil/Satan/The Darkness (for which refer to the first of the present BYM 'Advices and Queries':

I consider that, while 'That of God, The Creator' is present everywhere in The Creation and was present before The Creation and will be present after 'These Things have Passed Away', The Devil/Satan/The Darkness are present within only one place within the entire Universe:

In the Hearts, Minds and Actions of all Men (and, therefore, all Wo-men).

Hence our *absolute* *need* to be humble:

Possessions possess

Pride becomes proud

Humility humbles

Love loves

God Is.

Be still and know that He is Lord, our God.

The one True God.

Everywhere, all the time, within everything and everyone.

All powerful.

Omnipotent and Omnipresent.

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