Saturday, January 30, 2021



Hot flows to cold

Order flows to chaos

Life forms order out of chaos

Thus, it is proved:

God exists.




Sadly, happily

 Sadly, happily, there is no such place as 'away'.

Think, 'I'll throw this 'away'.'

So the solution is here, now.

And that solution is equality.

Ie #truesocialism

Archived through the implementation of the plan for Co-operative Socialism.

The living loving plan for Co-operative Socialism.

Here, now.

And there.

Away, here, wholistically.



FB wouldn't let me post this on your/our SORUK page

Friday, January 29, 2021

In Brief

 Ok, let's start with this;

Human beings exist

They, each, wish to live long, healthy, happy lives

To achieve that, they need their needs met

Without their needs met they are unhappy

Human needs fall in four categories*

But, from the evidence they only have one need: to live in an economic- and income-equal society

Which produces enough material goods for happiness*

Hence the plan for sufficiency, equality and sustainability: the plan for Co-operative Socialism

As a replacement for Capitalism, Zionism, Satanism, etc. Not a modification of those evils.

* A Four Components Needs Theory is in the papers' section at the Campaign for Interest-free Money web site, the link for which the #sillyalgorithm won't let me add until Sunday evening. Crackers!

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Just Some Responses

 Our friend and Friend, Meredith Blaney wrote:

I have numbered her various comments and offer responses below

1)  As a result of this “mask muzzle stunt” there is almost no regular flu here in Canada!

Response: my ex-wife stepped off the plane from Toronto with a spectacular illness in mid/late October which I then caught.

The alternative is that I infected her upon her arrival. But there has been no evidence of a 2019 epidemic here in Littlehampton.

Of course, the current evidence is against a new 'Covid' virus.

I'm trying to get the Royal Society of Canada to speak about the amount of money that has been spent on relevant science in Canada (after all, Michael Smith was the co-Nobel Laureate in Chemistry with Katy Mullins whose comments about the PCR test are well publicised: Michael Smith was at UBC).

Perhaps you and F/friends in Canada could join in this request to the RSofC.

2)  Regardless of how this pandemic started it seems that wearing masks helps with prevention!

Response: see the compilation that Alan Stein kindly highlighted for us.

Additionally, in House Arrest I here in England the Nazis couldn't get away with the mask muzzle stunt and there was no epidemic here in Littlehampton and the Death Spike immediately *after* House Arrest I in April was due, in all probability, to the shock and mistreatment of an already-highly stressed and -weakened population in Elderly 'Care' homes and Hospitals.

I strongly encourage you and all to watch the thrice-werkly UKColumn news, analysis and commentary reports on Facebook aired live at 1pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

3)  There clearly are many terrorists acts going on and perhaps you inadvertently are part of the problem!

Response: the Terrorist Act is the ongoing Capitalist Zionist Satanic Eugenicists Conspiracy. Of which I am a vocal, public critic and not in any sense a supporter or initiator.

So I hope that you will review your rhetoric.

4)  Time to focus on helping in a real way!

Response: are you joking!?

First, I name the real problem: Capitalism Zionism Satanism etc. At certain risk and threat.

Just as our friend and comrade Jesus did, against the same group two thousand years'ago.

Second: entirely unfunded I have gathered together and promoted the living loving plan for Co-operative Socialism as *the* alternative to this carnage (including, you will be aware the Canadian continuation: Residential Schools, Tar Sands, 'Disappeared and Unexamined' deaths of First Nations' women and Children in Western Canada, Stephen Harper, Proroguing Parliament, shall I go on?

The CCPA commissioned and paid me to analyse the possibility of #truesocialism.

NAPO/CWP adopted me as a volunteer, then as part-time low paid worker. Shall I go on?

5)  Are you in you able to help prevent suicides, feed the poor, volunteer to phone lonely people etc.

Response: again, I presume that your rhetoric got beyond your Quaker leading: 'Going beyond your Measure'.

Ask people in TO/East York about our Shoelace activity. Or in Bromley and London about our Bromley Income Equality Group's work.

On the streets and in the halls.

Finally, the one 'Love' emotional response to your ill-informed insults is from our deranged friend #sillysimon : whose support for Capitalism Zionism and Satanism knows so few bounds that he voted for s Capitalist Zionist Party, the Fib-Dems at the last General Election here in the UK, in December 2019.

And which resulted in the Death Spike of last year and the Compulsory Medication stunts being rolled out now.

Very best wishes,

Thy Friend, in Peace, for all,

In All,

John Courtneidge

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Involutarily Celibate

 I am grateful to our friend and fellow Occupiers for introducing me to a new-to-me term, an Incel/Incels.

This refers to those who are 'Involutarily Celibate'.

The cause of this and it's solution (in my view from the evidence) are, as usual, respectively, income-/economic-inequality and it's solution #truesocialism : equality-through-the-implementation-of:

The living loving plan for Co-operative Socialism.

For now, the Wikipedia page is very useful:

More anon.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Wanted Poster Text

 Text for Wanted Poster.

Choose your candidates for the mug shots.


'Wanted! For Terrorist Offences:

{Photos of the Terrorists: You Choose}

These people are part of a Global Terrorist Organisation!

Don't let them into your house!

Don't let your children go within two miles of them!

Or two hundred miles of them!

At least!

They are part of an Evil Cabal called Capitalism/Zionism/Satanism.

They use injections of 'vaccines' to achieve their evil ends: The Dark Plan.

Also known as The Great Reset/Big Bang II/ The Bilderbergers/World Economic Domination Forum/Illuminati Gang.




Which they will call COMPULSORY MEDICINES!

Ps, they are easy to recognise: they wear Masks/Muzzles in Public.

And Saville Row/Bond Street suits!


Report Them To The Police and HAVE THEM ARRSTED, AND HELD PERMANENTLY IN BELLMARSH PRISON, as Harmful to The Common Good and to Public Order and Peace.

Don't delay!




Monday, January 11, 2021

What's Going On; A Synopsis Part II

 What's Going On; A Synopsis Part 


John Courtneidge, Littlehampton, Monday 12th January 2021.

In about 2009, two authors, one in Ottawa, Canada and one, I imagine in New York, USA, were commissioned to write articles on the political, economic, Ecological and social options.

The author, or authors of the second, produced a 'Scenarios' playbook for The Rockefeller Foundation, published in 2010 and reviewed by Harry Vox in a TV interview in 2014, and now available on YouTube.

That Rockefeller Foundation's 'Scenarios' playbook forms the basis of the Neoconservatives are doing now, the toll-back of Democracy, and the imposition of The New World Order as 'The New Normal' by the World 'Economic' Forum and Klaus Schwab's plan, 'The Great Reset'.

The other author, in Ottawa, me, was commissioned to write five articles, by Ed Finn, as the Editor of a monthly magazine published by The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (the CCPA), called 'The CCPA Monitor'.

Those articles were published in the Winter 2009-10 issues of 'The CCPA Monitor' and, then, in May 2010 as a 'CCPA Monitor Reader on Co-operative Socialism' (available in print from from the CCPA, and as a PDF in the papers' section at ).

About five years' later, at a Bank of England Forum, at The Guildhall, in The City of London, by which time I had been inducted as a Freeman of The City of London, I was interviewed, at length on camera, by Bloomberg News, about our plan for Co-operative Socialism.

Now, again by that time, it was obvious to me that the managers and, I suspect, the imagined beneficiaries of global Capitalism knew that 'The Game Was Up' and, I imagine, had read both the Rockefeller Foundation's 'Scenarios' playbook and the CCPA Reader and its plan for Co-operative Socialism.

The problem for them was that the plan for Co-operative Socialism was bullet-proof from criticism.

So, they, likely, decided to implement it.

But! to stay in control at the same time.

Hence what's going on now.

But! on their modified terms.

Hence the UBI not LIFE as their preferred guaranteed income scheme, debt cancellation not interest-free Money, banking and finance, etc.

And the Jab: Compulsory Medication.

Including Vaccination & Compliant Embedded ID Chips, Euthanasia and Forced Sterilisation etc.

And the 'etc' includes Gulags and Capitalist Punishment: The 2084 addenda and Dark Plan: #darkplan .

Of course, the #truesocialism alternative exists, in that living loving plan for Co-operative Socialism.

But the outcome depends on 'The Defence of Democracy' as a new social movement.

Which is, presently, emergent.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Madness, Then Sanity.

 A friend came to visit.

Apparently, this is illegal.

My friend, however, had studied the regulations and, seemingly, if we agreed that we were in 'a bubble' (whatever that means) her visit was permissible.

She wanted to take her (permitted!) exercise by walking along the beach here at Littlehampton.

Mysteriously, I have a severe back pain, do I waited for her by sitting on the (literally) ice-cold, outside benches at the East Beach café.

Observing the scene.

Among which was one couple with a black Labrador dog.

Now, one of my distant relatives is a game-keepper, amongst whose working dogs were Labrador . . .  retrievers.

As I recall it, Labradors are notoriously greedy, 'dustbins', and will eat, literally, anything and everything that might be deemed 'food' by other organisms.

Paranthetically, another couple, presumably in their 'bubble' sat with another, but much smaller, lap dog. Which one of these bubblees caressed, cuddled and kissed on the head and lips in much the way that one might embrace s lover.

Or, these days, a baby.

Meanwhile, the first couple's food had arrived. The man tucked in voraciously into his sausage and chips, in a paper tray: doubtless becoming, rapidly, ice-cold sausage and chips in a paper tray.

Meanwhile, his bubblee, perhaps wife, fed raw sausages to the dog, purchased alongside the freshly-cooked food: the empathy of a shared meal.

And, yes, the Lab did get the tail-end of a cooked sausage after much billing and cooing.

Now, several hours' later, my mind is taken back to various plays in the nineteen-sixties or there-abouts.

Now, we Quakers had a Testimony Against Acting but, now, a number of prominent Friends are, or have recently been, distinguished, well-respeted, talented and empathetic actors.

Acting, of course, requires the actor to memorise and repeat some-one else's words: words that are fictional for the most part.

I recall one such play, where the two actors sat in dustbins speaking to one-another and out towards an audience: some of whom might have known what was going on.

For me, it appeared to be the author's depiction of madness.

Such as now.

Except that the Theatres are closed.

With exception of life-as-presently lived.

Until, of course, we decide that enough-madness is enough.

Just like the man caught on video recently at Uxbridge going from shop to shop carrying around himself, as his personal bubble, a plastic greenhouse.

Art, madness, Covid, sanity.

Then #truesocialism

By Tuesday!