Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Thesis

 So, here is the Thesis:

A) we know from the book, 'The Spirit Level', that, as Income Inequality increases, human relationships break down, including Marriage Breakdowns,

B) that as Marriages break down, more children are not going to successfully pass through both Oedipal Phases (see the book, 'Families and How to Survive Them'),

C) as a consequence we end up with more Adults incompletely developed and, thus, subconciously angry.

D) it is propsed that Anger is the result of mistreatment and that anger results in a trapped cycle of violence (incuding self-harming) and depression (see the diagram in the book, 'Policies for a Just Society', its precursor, 'Ceremonies of Innocence' and my development of the cited-diagram.

E) the solution to breaking that trapped cycle of anger/violene/depression is, it is proposed, Befriending which, thus, leads to Constructive Activity (such Befriending occurs, for example, in the 'Andys Man Club' sessions.

G) the sustainable solution is, therefore, such Constructive Befriending *plus* political/social action to prevent Income Inequality from existing (or, at least, persisting at its present National and Global levels.

H) hence our plan and process called 'Co-operative Socialism': for which, see the CCPA Monitor Reader on Co-operative Socialism'as a free PDF at (noting that the email address there is no longer operational).