Monday, September 9, 2019

A Global Co-operative Commonweal! By Tuesday! Not *on* Tuesday!

A piece of pernicious wickedness has come to light:

The Conclusion states:

   'Whatever its initial driving forces, Brexit is now essentially a coup pulled off by a subgroup of Conservative Party politicians on behalf of tax-dodging tycoons and unscrupulous investors.

   'They have been systematically misleading the British public to hate the EU through a constant supply of anti-EU propaganda and lies. Their only concern for ‘taking back control’ is to rid UK businesses of EU tax laws, financial regulations and employees’ rights. To this end, their immediate objective is to bring about a no-deal Brexit.'

And finishes with

   'They are abusing democracy to create a plutocracy.'

All agreed.

And that is because our Movement, the Labour, Trade Union and Co-operative Movement have allowed it to be so.

That triple alliance has been captured by capitalism and, as such, is the tool of capitalism: just think of Tony Blair, the TUC, and Peter Marks (he who caused the sell-off of our Co-op Bank, our Co-op Farms, our Co-op Travel Agency and our Co-op Pharmacies.

All of these people are in the EU Conspiracy.

Which of them have argued, or even allowed to be argued, the Democratic Co-operative Socialist case for a Co-operative Socialist Brexit?

None of them: they all support capitalism and, thus, support the Remain disinformation campaign.

Such as this internally-contradictory article.

Take just one point: the 'Free Movement' argument. The article shows us a map of the Shengen arrangement area, and tells us that the UK isn't part of it. True. But the article then says that the UK Governments, all capitalist (Blair, Brown, Major, Thatcher, Cameron, May, Johnson) don't control of monitor inward and outward migration.

I wonder how many of these capitalists benefit from this free-flow of cheap labour in the form of cheap nannies, au-pairs, nurses, cleaners, fruit pickers, delivery men, etc, etc.

And that final closing point:

   'They are abusing democracy to create a plutocracy.'

They are not 'creating a plutocracy': capitalism is a plutocracy.

The EU is a plutocracy.

Because the EU was set up to continue the plutocracy, capitalism, in Western Europe, immediately after we had rescued it from Nazism/Fascism in th 1930's and 40's.

Now lets deal with what the article does not speak of.

The article does not speak of the growth and persistance (and close management) of economic inequality in Europe. And here in the UK. And in the Commonwealth. And in the world generally.

All that distress is the cause of capitalism: not just the consequence of capitalism, but its objective.

Capitalism needs distress in order to create fear.

That fear causes selfishness.

That fear causes isolationism.

And that's what the EU is all about: anti-internationalism: a world of regulated movement of people, of tariff barriers and of a Police State:

    An anti-democratic and, thus, undemocratic capitalist imposition:

       The continuation of a capitalist plutocracy.

The one that appeared to replace the feudal Norman Plutocracy.

But which never did.

As the resurgence of the feudal core of The Conservative Party shows.

So, what to do?

First recognise that the genuinely progressive movement in this Country (ie, the pre-Blair, pre-Gaitsgill, pre-Wilson, even) Labour, Trade Union and Co-operative Movement was - and is - entirely internationalist and equalitarian.

It (we) opposed the European Imposition in 1974 and we do not see the European Imposition as beneficial now (think Greece, inequality, NATO, etc).

However, the, presently, very few of us who support a Co-operative and True Socialist alternative to capitalism know that, a) better is possible, and that, b) better is achievable.


Not by imposition.

Now, if the Remainers can see any feasible, fast route to an EU that replaces capitalism, Europe-wide and World-wide, then why haven't they done it.

Over forty years.

Over forty years of 'peace in Europe' (think Balkans, Turkey, near east, Middle East, the Ukraine, the former USSR generally, all the former 'posessions'/impositions of the feudal European Empires, Africa, Asia, Australasia, the Pacific, north, south, latin America, the Atlanic, Arctic, Antarctic, Pacific, Gulf, everywhere: Misery.), why hasn't Europe led the world to peace?

It's because the EU was founded to continue capitalism.

Which it has done.

Not replace capitalism.

Which it hasn't done.

So, lets continue with the project of internationalist, equalitarian, ecologically-respectful Co-operative Commonwealths, where Co-operative Careship brings about a global Co-operative Commonweal:

   the wellness of all, in The Wellness of All.

Here in the UK first.

By Tuesday!

(Not *on*  Tuesday, as the capitalist Marxists would have us do: wait for Armaggedon.

While we exploit and, so, im-miserate you.

Boo to that!

True Co-operative Socialism!

By Tuesday!)

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