Thursday, May 7, 2020

What It's All About

My anti-Zionist Jewish friends, rightly in my view, regard Physical-space Zionism as the heresy.

Not the other way around.

As to what this is really all about: follow the money.

Physical-space Zionism was, and is, a capitalist enterprise.

For just one example, Google the five word list:

Peter Mandelson Geoffrey Robinson Mortgage

And see who the authors of the first hit, a Guardian article are.

Finally: Capitalism/Physical-space Zionism/The Israeli State will, upon examination, be inextricably enmeshed with the funding of war and the consequential State War Debts (ie interest-bearing 'National Debts').

The two named individuals in the Balfour Declaration were both Physical-space Zionists.

One may have been an Observant Jew, the other might not have been, but that is of no matter: both were supporters and 'beneficiaries' of capitalism: Balfour and Rothschild.

Always: follow the money!

Btw, I am one if the twenty-five expelled for Our Labour Party on 11th February 2020: with no hearing, no appeal and no right of reapplication until 2025.

Not because of the alleged anti-semitic nature of the Facebook posts that my *anonymous* accuser/s offered as their 'evidence'.

But because I am a democratic and co-operative socialist.

Of fifty-six years' standing and work.

Oh, and I'm a Quaker and Christian, so that sealed it!

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