Thursday, December 17, 2020

In the event of the ultra lockdown

 In the event if the expected Social Media clamp-down, I propose the following approaches.
First stay in touch with family and friends by text.
When the mobile phone networks are shut down, walk to London.

Travel by the sun's direction: it rises in the East (at present), is due south at mid-day and sets in the west.

Go to any of the three following areas of Central London: St Paul's in The City, Parliament Square, Westminster and St James' Square and Pall Mall generally.

These are the three power nodes of Capitalism in London.

Find others and, if approached by The Police, lie down in a curled-up fashion and neither engage or resist.

Support organisations for feeding etc might care to pre-organise using the Sunflower Co-operative model (which is as nonhierarchical as I could design and, having no central node cannot be co-opted by the Nazis/Zionists).

I hope this helps.

Give the love.

Grow The Peace.

John Courtneidge 😊

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