Monday, October 4, 2021

What The Cunts Are Up To.

First, humans are naturally healthy: we wouldn't be here otherwise.

Second, capitalism makes us all ill and kills us prematurely: it is, both the cause of income inequailty and is based in income inequity, both of which create illness for all (morbidity) and premature death (mortality). The science of social epidemiology is clear on both (see 'The Spirit Level' book).

Thirdly, analytical chemists (I'm not picky enough to be one) are phenomenally diligent: the public water standards will have been rigorously defined and pais-takingly monitored against Statutory standards and defined penalties.

Yes, the profitisation of Public Water supplies through a process of piratisation (which the thieves called privatisation) introduced an unnecessary threat (profit-seeking and -maximisation) but those standards are maintained.

By way of a compliation of evidence: the survivors of capitalism, my mum's generation, have lived for all their lives drinking, cooking, washing etc in Public Water supplies: the conversion of the gullible, ill-educated, deliberately misled public (see the electrolysis scam video) into aping their effluent 'betters' into buying, and carrying home, a nonsense commodity (bottled water) through a swill-bucket plot called 'the advertising industry'.

The very same liars that now create the lies that their cunts, like Boris and Biden, relentlessly drive into people through the capitalist media (ITV etc: btw, what ever happened to the 'demands' action at the ITV HQ?).

Our anti-poisoning actions are part of this 'medicate-the-herd' into soporific compliance.

Fluoride, jabs, bottled water are the prelude to mass-medazolam 'public protection' methods: George Floyd-ing the herd.

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