Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Covid-19: A Christian Response

Covid-19: A Christian Response

John Courtneidge, Littlehampton, West Sussex. Wednesday 5th January 2022


My dearest friends, please consider the following:

The illness called 'Covid 19' was, either, created by God or by Satan.

If it was created by God then He sent it for our well-being because that is *aways* how he treats us, His Children.

If it was created by Satan, then Our Father's power is always greater than that of Satan and, so, if we are faithful to Him he will provide us with the means by which we can survive *anything* and *everything* that Satan throws at us.

This logic, I suggest, means that all Christisns should reject The Devil (Satan) and all his works: in particular the fear that causes people to panic.

And to, therefore, submit to swabs, jabs, lock-downs, shut-outs, Police Brutality, Imprisonment and so on.

Were I not on a thirty day ban from posting on 'my' Facebook page, I would have, by now, posted this text.

Thanks-be To God that the message above was sent to us: so that I could repond in this way.

I hope that this responsive logic will be shared far and wide.

And, even, be pasted onto by 'my' Facebook page by friends.

In closing, I watched a recent news item on You Tube concerning one Amish Church's response to the Covid-19 scare.

They did not bow the knee to that panic.

And, as a result had their best year, economically-speaking, for Christ, ever.

The link is:

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