Thursday, February 10, 2022

Capitalism Murders the Good Guys. But.

 Shocking. Luc Montagnier has died ‘suddenly’. 

He was the Nobel prize winner for discovery of HIV. 

HIV, that mysterious illness that is at this moment being aggressively marketed anew. 

What an extraordinary coincidence he won’t be around to have any say in what narrative unfolds.



The good news is that The Academy always has Colleges of fellow investigators.

Satan's Colleges are composed of back-stabbing compeitors.

God's Colleges are composed of people (as here) who co-operate For The Common Good.

The Good News is that God is stronger than Satan.


andria said...

John, Luc was one of at least 2 discoverers of the HIV. I spoke to him on the phone once. Nice chap

andria said...