Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Co-operative Socialism, #truesocialism, as briefly as I can!


Our plan for Co-operative Socialism, #truesocialism, as briefly as I can:

1) Convert all workplaces into appropriate Co-operatives (of which there are only four), 

2) Abolish Rent, Interest and Profits (and, so, a Money, Banking and Finance System that is interest-free and not-for-profit), 

3) A guaranteed, not-means-tested, Living Income for Everyone, a 'LIFE', and an Income Maximum, Socially-determined (so that no-one has too little and no-one has too much) with most human needs Community-provided and Free-at-the-point of use (ie, #truesocialism) Retaining money as a means to discretionary purchases for as long as Society considers necessary.

4) An end to Third-World Loans (ie an end to Global Warfare, Grants-as-requested instead).

Ie: All our sisters our brothers, and all our brothers our sisters: an end to Divide-And-Rule. A Global Co-operative Commonweal of Co-operative Care, composed of Democratic  Socialist Co-operative Commonwealths: 

   Peace, happiness, creativity, contribution, health, eco-love and lives lived well , for all, by all, to all, in All!

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