Thursday, January 2, 2020

Draft Motion to PLP Regarding the plan for Co-operative Socialism

What we can do next!

Rather than be responsive to what the Fibs, Cons and Nats do, let's take the initiative.

Here' a model Motion supporting true, Co-operative Socialism.

Please ask your Branch Labour Party, Branch Co-op Party and Trades Council to support this:

Here is a Draft Text:


MOTION To The Parliamentary Labour Party

From: [Your] CLP

Copies to: [Your] County Labour Party, and [Adjacent] CLPs, to The Labour Party NEC, c/o LP General Secretary Jenny Formby and to Jeremy Corbyn, MP and John McDonnell, MP.

Proposed by: [Name and LP Membership Number here]

Seconded by: [Name and LP Membership Number here]

'We, [Your] CLP, request that our Parliamentary Labour Party use a forthcoming Opposition Day Debate to debate the following Motion:

   'That This House shall adopt, enact and implement, and Annually Audit and Celebrate, the plan for Co-operative Socialism, as already adopted by Labour Action for Peace, Occupy London, Bromley Co-operative Party, Bromley Peace Council and Bromley Trades' Council Pensioners' Action Association, noting that details of this plan are in the 'CCPA Reader on Co-operative Socialism', as given in the papers' section at, with explanatory videos and broadcast radio interview on YouTube: which can be found by using the search term, there, of "Co-operative Socialism".'


Note: for recipients and readers convenience, the plan for Co-operative Socialism is as follows:


Seven-Point Co-operative Commonweal Action Plan

   - to create a fair, safe, peaceful world

From the CCPA Reader on Co-operative Socialism


1. Co-operatives and peace — not corporations
and coercion

    Convert competitive, market-based activities into work-
place co-operatives, and remodel monopoly activities as
community co-operatives. Each co-op would demonstra-
bly operate according to the Co-operative Values and
Principles of the International Co-operative Alliance and,
from the commonweal and the planet, would have re-
spectful, time-limited co-stewardship of appropriate land
and knowledge resources.

2. Not-for-profit banking and financial structures
as co-ops — Pre-distribution, not Redistribution

   Distribute the added-value/created-wealth from these
workplace co-ops through nationally collected, co-opera-
tive corporate taxation, distributed into local, democrat-
ically-controlled Community Banks, and so make money
and credit available for eco- and socially-responsible wealth
creation, community development, and global care.

3. Step-wise abolition of money as access to
needs — global co-stewardship for needs and
care, not private resources for profit

   Maximize necessary service provision (health, education,
libraries, transport, and so on) on a co-operative, free-at-
the-point-of-use basis: retaining money only as a mecha-
nism for access to discretionary purchases.

4. Fair, Guaranteed Incomes — Near equal/Equal
income for all

   Introduce guaranteed fair income for all, within upper
and lower brackets: based upon a liveable, fair Citizen’s
Income, and so do away with the need for direct and
indirect personal taxation — income tax, sales taxes, and
so on.

5. Abolition of for-profit money - An end to
usury/riba, and of banking as global warfare

   Abolish money-lending and credit-creation for profit,
and so operate banking as a community-controlled, co-
operative public service.

6. Regulated international relations — An end to
global exploitation through financial speculation

   Reintroduce international exchange controls, a Tobin Tax,
etc., as necessary.

7. All our sisters our brothers, and all our brothers
our sisters — One in all, all as one, all in one.

   Make capital grants (not loans) to developing countries.'

We so propose.'

If helpful, I can travel in order to be present at a Question and Discussion session (as already done for the Bromley and Plaistow North BLP for the East Ham BLP.

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