Friday, April 17, 2020

The Cash in Your Pocket. Or not.

The cash in your pocket.

Or not.

It looks as though I didn't finish this up:

The careful observer will have noted that I've been very slow in offering the fifth and final part on the five mechanisms* that capitalism uses to immiserate all of us (the Capitalists and their Praetorian Guard included) and to turn the planet into a toilet.

I had hoped to type a preliminary piece in drudgery**, but the misery and drudgery associated with this 'pandemic' has got in the way.


* The five TRIP-Up mechanisms (Theft, Rent, Interest, Profits-to-shareholders and Unequal-pay for work).

**As pictured, for example.

So: Unequal-pay-for-work arises, it seems, from the Theft of Position.

Back in Tudor England, low-income aristocrats would 'petition' Kings and Queens for preferement: to be granted Pensions to be allowed Monopolies over, say, Customs Duties, etc.

The granting of these Pensions always came with a kick-back to the King or Queen, of course, so the Petitioner, as one of the King or Queen's Praetorian Guard would have to squeeze us, the 88% for cash.

By taxing us.

Of course, the King's and Queens were, themselves, being squeezed for cash. Not only by the expenses of Monarchy (Swans for dinner, Wars against the French, Pardons from The Pope, etc) but, also, by the Usurers.

Now, at one time I believed that Feudalism was different from Capitalism.

I imagined that, in Feudal Times, the Then-Mafia (The Kings and Queens) used land as a means of getting more land (land means hay and oats, hay and oats means more war horses and Knights, etc).

But, now, I'm coming to the view that all that was secondary: that Feudalism was the servant of Capitalism.

In other words, those Mafia 'bosses', The Kings and Queens of Europe were the servants of Usury.

This is a thesis and one that I hope others will rebut, develop or confirm.

Thus, to take 1066 as a case in point.

It would seem that William of Normandy brought his Rouen Bankers with him.

Those Rouen Bankers seem to have been, prominently Jews (yes, not all Jews are Bankers and not all Bankers are Jews: no captious whingeing, please).

And, to my surprise, William's successful army didn't go straight on to lay siege to London (after suppressing Kent, in order, presumably to secure Dover?), but, rather, tracked clockwise around London a proto-M25, to Berkhamstead in Hertfordshire, from where he sent emissaries to negotiate with, perhaps?, the Bankers in The City of London.

Now, why?

It would seem that a cash economy - Capitalism (which is best defined at Theft + Usury) was, even then, the essence of the European Economy.

It would seem (and oh! for some good historians writing on this) that that essence was, very largely a slave trade: from northern Europe to the Islamic World, where the Ruling Mafiosi in Islam, paid Gold for Slaves: including Eunuchs to guard their Harems.

Such Slaves were purchased, in part, using Silver Pennies and, thus these two money flows, Silver and Gold, needed to be maintained, monitored and managed. And, for us, now, researched and understood.

As an adjunct, after some lobbying at his father's death-bed, William's youngest son, name now forgotten by me, was given, not England or Normandy, which had already been grabbed/allocated/bequeathed to his oldest two sons, but, rather seven thousand Pounds-worth of silver.

Which he, prudently, demanded, before his father passed on.

Now, even today, that seven thousand Pounds-worth of silver would be described as wodge!

And then . . .!

So, that's why there's no cash in your pocket, or do little.

Indeed, what appears to be so is fraudulent, devalued, devious, harmful rubbish:

A). You pay Rent, Interest and Profits to the 2%: the Uber Thieves, the Capitalist families

B). You *have* to pay Taxes, to Their Praetorian Guard, the 10% who have higher-than-average, higher-than-fair, higher-than-just or -justifiable incomes for doing work that often, oddly, start with the letter P: Prison Guards, the Police, Politicians, professions, generally, Professors, Popes, Prelates, Priests, Pimps generally, Publicists, all Parasites, etc.

C). While you, the 88% do the d-jobs: the dirty, dangerous, disagreeable, dispiriting, drudgery, deemed beneath the dignity of our highers and betters, the sin-mongers, they.

So you, the 88% get paid in debt-created, Fractional Reserve generated, Interest-bearing,
Non-reality electronic 'money', but not enough to live on (due to the Parasites' Rent, Interest, Profit, Tax, Rob-steal-murder actions.

And, even, the cash that you might get is no longer silver, gold or, even copper: those coins are now electroplated steel.

Get a magnet, try it.


So, more TRIP-Up!

No more RIP-OFF!

No more Theft + Usury!

Ie, no more Capitalism.

True Socialism, True Democratic and True Co-operative Socialism instead!

By Tuesday!

Ie before Tuesday!

The best, for all,

For The Common Good,



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