Sunday, April 26, 2020

This is important

Regardless as to whether the release of the Vovid-29 virus was a deliberate Military act, by whom we leave to the historians, or an accidental release, ditto, or a natural evolution, ditto, the race is now on to define the 'new normal' afterwards.

For the Thieves - the Capitalists - and their Praetorian Guard, prominent among whom are the Zionist Rabbis and their supporters, the 'new normal' will be the Conservative form of Capitalism: the conjunction of Theft, Usury and a Monopoly of Violence.

Fascism and Nazism, in other words.

Forget the neoliberals and their defeated Ex-Praetorian Guard phalanxes.

As much as they might moan and whinge, their 'deregulated', anarcho-Capitalism has reached the end of the road.

Just as Keynes said it would: see his quote in the papers' section at

Which brings us to the question of Usury.

The Land-Thieves hate the Bankers: hence the three-Century struggle between the Tories and The Whigs, which, up until now, The Whigs (The Liberals-not) have won.

This is because, by his Act of 1545, Henry VIII legalised Usury in England for the first time: despite the spin in that Act's name, 'In Restraint of Usury'. (Sir Harry Paige's small book of that title tells the story: from the perspective of the former Director if the Chartered Institute for Public Finances and Accounts and his prior- position as the Treasurer for the City of Manchester).

This released the up-until-then-illegal usurers in The City of London (who, due the expulsion of 'The Jews' two-hundred years' previously: who had operated under various Kings'/mafia-boss protection had operated according to the Rabbinical Double Standard as described as 'The Deuteronomic Double Standard') to evolve into 'The Silken Independents', then The Whigs, then The Liberals-not and, then the Thatcher/Fib/ SDP/ Blair/Mandleson/ Robinson/Levy/Hodge/McDonagh/McNichol neoliberals.

Their day is over: just as Keynes predicted.

So, the next phase will, either, be NeoConservative Fascism/Nazism/Zionism, or true Socialism.

That's why the Capitalists, using their shock troops, the Zionists, *had* to get rid of John and Jeremy.

And me, also.

The Capitalists know that we three hold the prospect of true democratic and Co-operative Socialism in our hands, ready for public examination and support.

So, over to you.

Please let your family, friends and communities know of the study materials in the Canadisn Centre for Policy Alternatives 'Reader on Co-operative Socialism', also in the papers'section at

And, also perhaps, my very home-made videos and excellent radio interview (by my fellow Quaker Tony Gosling) all on YouTube.

Everyone's children, grandkids, nieces and nephews' lives depend on it.

That's what CV-19 us all about.

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