Friday, May 14, 2021

The Labour Party: a solution.

 The Labour Party: a solution.

A Model Resolution for Branch Labour Parties, CLPs, Affiliated Trade Union Branches, Trades Councils etc:

   'The Labour Party Membership card states it to be 'A Party of Democratic Socialism'.

At present, it is neither.

Accordingly, this Unit of The Labour Party calls on other Units of The Labour Party to require the National Executive Committee to do the following and for the Parliamentary Labour Party and Welsh and Scottish Assembly Labour Parties, County Labour Parties, etc to act accordingly to:

A)  Reinstate all Members that have been expelled over the past five years' or so without proper democratic Hearings and Appeals with, if necessary, new democratic discipinary processes in which the complainants are named to the accused;

B)  Declare that, as a Party of, and for, Democratic Socialism that it will adopt the plan for Co-operative Socialism, as already adopted by Labour Action for Peace, Occupy London, Bromley Peace Council, Bromley Trade Union Pensioners'Action Association and Bromley Co-operative Party Branch, as a peaceful, democratic *replacement* of capitalism.

(The plan for Co-operative Socialism is available on the web: on YouTube as videos and a recoded radio interview calling for the 'Reform of The City of London'; at an Occupy London page; in the CCPA Reader on Co-operative Socialism in the papers' section at; as an essay archive at; and at the evolving site

We so move.'

John Courtneidge

Littlehampton, West Sussex

Saturday, 15th May 2021

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