Sunday, May 9, 2021

The Plan

 John Courtneidge, Littlehampton, Monday 10th Mat 2021

The plan.

Elsewhere, it has been proposed that we start by getting thousands of local Councillors elected.

I disagreed, from experience.

Here's what I offered:

With respect, I disagree, having been a Town Councillor (in Hertford) and, by invitation, a candidate for Common Counil, twice in The City of London.

As Nye Bevan pointed out, Westminster is the place where real power lies: it is the place where the rules are made, which local Government operates.

Thus, if we are to *replace* capitalism, it has to be done at Westminster.

Hence the plan to a) implement the peaceful alternative, the plan for Co-operative Socialism, by b) setting up entirely autonomous, non-federated 'Guilds of Co-operators: for Peace and The Common Good' at a very local, less than Parliamentary Constituency level.

So that Parliamentary Candidates are identified and supported, to election, who pledge themselves to join with other MPs to implement the plan for true Co-operative Socialism.

And to not be divertec from that pressing need, for Peace and The Common Good.

Being aware that global Capitalism/Zionism/Satanism will do *everything* to ensure that this does not happen!

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