Monday, June 27, 2022

The Deserving Rich and Undeserving Rich: a Reflection

 The Deserving Rich and Undeserving Rich: a Reflection.

It has been a commonplace to refer to The Deserving Poor (Widows, Orphans, the Chronically-Disabled, all Tory Voters) and The Undersving Poor (Me and all The Deliberately Feckless Shirkers and Skivvers, The Deliberately Unemployed, Everyone on Benefits, The Work-shy Disabled, Them-not-Us).

That distinction, by reflection, prompts the question as to any distinction between 'The Deserving Rich' and 'The Undeserving Rich'.

The short answer is, 'There is none'.

That's because the category of 'Rich' (as used in morern, properly-described money terms: net-wealth, net-income) is harmful. First it creates illness and premature death for everyone (morbidity and mortality), including the presently levels of madness and the four pathologies: the 'Rich' suffering also.

Secondly, it grossly-misdirects human activity, by creating harmful work for about 10% of the population: The Bullies, Bribers and Brain-bashers: Capitalism's 'Praetorian Guard' whose higher-than-fair incomes, pensions and perks are paid-for by Taxing us, The Worked Class, the 88%.

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