Friday, December 9, 2022

Ireland, Land, Banking, 1945 and The Quislings for Capitalism

 A beautiful, clear exposition.

The solution, there and here, are the same: Nationalisation of both Land and of all parts of Banking (Central, Wholesale and Retail) as Not-for-profit, Interest-free Public Services, both.

These proposals were in the 1945 Labour Party Election Manifesto, 'Let Us Face The Future' all of which (save Bevan's -and Attlee's - Socialist NHS: Community-funded and Free-at-the-point-of-Use) were co-opted by the Quislings for Capitalism. I name Sidney and Beatrice Webb, The Fabian Society and the LSE,  Herbert Morrison, Hugh Dalton as likely candidates for that label. But, like Brendan Bracken for Churchill, an other/some other behind-the-scenes manipulator(s) might be identified by scrupulous historians of the 1937-1945 period.

My prediction is that all of the WISE islands will become part of a Co-operative Commonwealth (Canada, Ghana, etc, India, etc and Australasia, etc, too).

Ps An interim comment: the book, 'Irelands Enduring Revolution' claims disproportionate smuggling into Ireland of rifles (and presumably ammunition etc) by British (English Empire) Secret Services. Whether true I don't know.

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