Friday, December 27, 2019

A Little Big History

It is little recognised that we, the 88% in the United Kingdom (ie, we the Worked Class) have been struggling against a Colonial imposition for a thousand years. At least.

In 1066, The Norman Yoke was pushed, brutally, onto our shoulders, when William of Normany and his fellow 'Northmen', along with his Rouen bankers pushed aside the Saxon Yoke of the Godwins. Who, themselves took over when the Romans went home, leaving the Roman Yoke in tatters.

Five hundred years' later, The City of London's usurers added their Yoke of Usury to our shoulders, when they managed to get Usury legalised, for the first time in England, by the Eighth King called Henry (he of the Welsh land robbers, The Tudors), in 1545.

(The Italian Kings of Usury, the Medicis had previously done the same across Europe, on behalf of their bankers, The Vatican: one of their family was the Chief anti-Christ, The Pope.)

So, to the Yoke of The Landlords (Money Rent and Feudal Serivce, The Yoke of Usury (ie, debt plus interest) was added.

(This was reinforced, with global intent when the European Usurers, based in Amsterdam, Antwerp and Bruges, took over the City of London with their invasion, and Seventeenth Century imposition, expelling the Scots bankers' nominees, The Stuarts; replacing The Stuarts with the Ornge Order, William and Mary.

So, the twin meat grinders of Rent and Usury caused money to accumulate, land-theft (land-'holdings') by enclosure and expulsion of us, the 88%, to increase.

But what to do with us, the by-now vagrants?

Answer: lay the third of four Yokes upon our backs and families: The Yoke of Wage Slavery, which provides yet more money, in the form of Profits, for the Rent+Usury Thieves, The Norman land-owners and European Bank-owners.

Thus was born The Industrial Revolution, with all the poverty and pollution that entailed.

Finally, by the Nineteenth Century, the three Yokes of Rent, Interest and Profit (hence: RIP Capitalism) needed yet another Yoke to be applied: The Yoke of Inescapable Tax.

The latter was necessary so that the 2% (The Norman Landowners and European Bankers and Capitalist Business 'Owners') could pay their Praetorian Guard (the 10%, with salaries and pensions higher-then-us) in order to 'keep us in order': their hierarchical order! Of obedience! Oddly, those Praetorian Guard jobs very often have titles beginning with the letter P (Police, Prison Guards, Politicians, Publicists, Professors, Pimps and so on) leaving us, the 88%, with the D-jobs (the Dirty, Dangerous, Dispiriting, Drudgery, etc jobs). Grrr!

So, here we are now.

With the realisation that fighting the Four Yokes doesn't work and that the alternative (Economic, Social and Ecological Co-operation) does work (despite capitalism's efforts to co-opt it . . . Even with Vegan Running Shoes by Reebok. Oh dear!).

What to do?

I suggest:

A) Join Labour Action for Peace and, so,

B) Support the True Co-operative Alternative, Co-operative Socialism, and,

C) Encourage your local Labour Party, Co-operative Party, Trades' Council, Woodcraft Folk, Co-operative Womens' Guild, Peace Council, Pensioners and Students' groups, to press our Labour and Co-operative Movement leaders, like Jeremy and John, Ian Lavery, et al, to use our Parliamentary Opposition Day time to kick-start a  UK-wide, Planet-wide debate, education, implementation of the true replacement for capitalism: True, Living, Co-operative Socialism.

Capitalism RIP!

(RIP = Rent, Interest and Profits)

Let's get RID of capitalism

(RID = Rent, Interext and Dividends to Capitalist Shareholders)

No more TRIP-Up

(Theft, Rent, Interest, Profits and Unequal-pay for work).

Please share!

And give!


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