Wednesday, December 25, 2019

let us build, Co-operatively!, a Micro-telescope

A microscope is something that brings to tiny *into* the here-and-now that is of a size that we can so.

A telescope is something that brings, *to* the here-and-now, something is far away, tiny to us now, but that is of normal, or, even greater-than-normal size.

So a micro-telescope combines both: to bring to us something that seems to be far away and seems to be tiny into the here-and-now.

And, into the fore-see-able.

If we are prepared to building the boat to get us there.

The vision, then, is of a global Co-operative Commonweal.

Ie, The Wellness of all, in The Wrllness of All.

Co-operatively and, thus, equally.

A diversitu of local and national Co-operative Commonwealths.

Brought about, we suggest for the ptesent, by the adoption and implementation, followed by Annual Audit and Celebration, of a living plan.

For True, living,  Co-operative Socialism.

Ie, True Socialism

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